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词汇 variety
例句 Colic describes a whole variety of conditions in which a horse suffers abdominal pain.绞痛包括引起马匹腹部疼痛的各种病症。This elastic is a powerful variety which a friend in the clothing trade put me onto.这种松紧带弹性很大,这是从事服装业的一个朋友告诉我的。They exposed their children to a variety of learning experiences.他们让孩子们尝试各种学习经历。He waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.他兴高采烈地谈论了河里的鱼品种多样。The computer can be programmed to tackle a whole variety of tasks.计算机可通过程序编制处理各种各样的任务。There is a wide variety of restaurants.有各种各样的餐馆。A variety of accommodation exists in outer suburbs south of the river.河南面的远郊有各种各样的住所。We serve a variety of Thai dishes.我们供应各式各样的泰式菜肴。Children do badly at school for a variety of reasons.小孩子在学校里表现不好有各种原因。This is not one of your garden-variety cases of fraud.这个不是你那些一般的欺诈案。We will appeal to a great variety of sources of information.我们将求助于多种资料来源。These health problems are inextricable from a variety of other social problems.这些健康问题与其他种种社会问题密不可分。The team uses a variety of defensive coverages.球队使用了多种防守战术。The first few sessions were spiked with a variety of pointed questions.头几次会议因遇各种尖锐问题而受挫。Those are the holiday brochures that give you the most variety.那些度假指南向你提供最为详尽的旅游选择。In addition to teaching basic academic skills, we offer a large variety of activities for students.除了教授基本学术技能之外,我们还为学生安排了各种各样的活动。The data had been culled from a variety of sources.这些资料是从多方面筛选出来的。They stock a wide variety of learning materials for younger students.他们备有各种各样面向低年级学生的学习材料。All of them arrived late for a variety of reasons.由于种种原因,他们都来晚了。A great variety of animals nourish themselves on vegetable foods.多种动物靠吃植物生存。The movie is a garden-variety thriller.这部电影就是普通的恐怖片。The ultimate flavor of the cheese variety is determined by the length of time it is allowed to mature.这种干酪最终的味道是由其发酵时间的长短决定的。Foreign competition provides consumers with a greater variety of goods.来自国外的竞争为消费者提供了更丰富的商品。The rock drawings depict a variety of stylized mythological figures and patterns.这些岩画刻画了大批非写实的神话形象和图案。We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms.我们花费时间用各种各样的图表来比照和展示这些信息。Lake Baringo is a freshwater haven for a variety of birds.巴林戈湖是各种鸟类的淡水栖息所。The president has threatened to impose punitive import duties/tariffs on a variety of foreign goods.总统已威胁说要对一批外国货物征收高额进口税。He has a variety of health problems.他有诸多健康问题。The conference attracts a wide variety of people.这次大会吸引了各方人士。The restaurant serves a variety of meats.这家餐馆提供多种肉食。As an account customer, you are automatically entitled to a variety of benefits.作为立有存款账户的客户,您自然可以享受一系列的优惠。Charlatans advertise a variety of fat-reducing treatments in the back of magazines.骗子们在杂志封底刊登各种各样的减肥疗法广告。The doctor treated him for a variety of ailments.那位医生为他治,疗过多种疾病。The school offers a variety of extracurriculars. 这所学校有各种各样的课外活动。A wide variety of hot and cold snacks will be available.会有各种冷热小吃。He can perform an astonishing variety of acts, including mime and juggling.他会包括哑剧和抛接杂耍在内的表演,种类多得惊人。A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port.各种各样的重工业在港口附近发展起来。While in a trance a hypnotized person can be instructed to perform a variety of actions.受催眠者处于催眠状态时可令他做各种动作。I was surprised by the variety of the choices that were available.有如此之多的选择,我感到很惊讶。The room was decorated in a variety of reds, blues, and yellows.房间以红、蓝和黄几种色调装饰。




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