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词汇 upper-class
例句 All of them came from wealthy, upper-class families.他们全部来自富有的上流社会家庭。She adopted an upper-class accent to give herself a veneer of sophistication.她操着上层社会的口音,装出一副很老练的样子。It is not just gang members who get into trouble - it's middle-class and upper-class kids as well.惹事的不仅仅是帮派成员—还有中产阶级和上层阶级的年轻人。The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper-class life.作家通过上下文巧妙展现了上流社会的生活场景。Most senior politicians in the UK are from upper-class families.英国的大多数资深政治家都出身于上流社会家庭。Broadsheets are aimed at an educated middle and upper-class readership.大版式报纸针对受过教育的中上层阶级读者。Acting was not a kosher trade for an upper-class girl.对于一个上流社会的女孩来说,演戏不是一个得体的职业。She came to execrate the hypocritical values of her upper-class upbringing.她开始痛斥上流社会教给自己的那些虚伪的价值观。It's not just gang members that cause trouble, it's middle- and upper-class kids too.制造麻烦的不仅有帮派成员,还有中产阶级和上流社会的孩子。He spoke with an upper-class accent.他说话带有上流社会口音。His manner is intolerably upper-class.他一副上等人的派头,叫人无法忍受。At university he affected an upper-class accent.在大学里他拿腔捏调假装上流社会口音。She tries to hide her upper-class origins, but her accent gives her away.她想掩盖其上层阶级的出身,但她的口音却露了馅。His wealth gave him the entrée into upper-class society.他的财富使他得以进入上层社会。He mimicked her upper-class accent.他模仿她上流社会的口音。




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