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词汇 unthinkable
例句 It would have been unthinkable for the grandmother of Europe to have a title inferior to that held by her own daughter.对于一位在欧洲德高望重的老妇人而言,她的头衔低于其女儿简直不可思议。In those days it was unthinkable for a lady to work outside the home.那时候妇女出门去工作是无法想象的事。It was an unthinkable intrusion into our private life.这种对我们私生活的侵犯令人难以置信。Today, we see growing acceptance of gay marriage - something that would have been unthinkable a generation ago.今天我们对同性婚姻的接受程度越来越高,在上一代的时候这是难以想象的事。It seemed unthinkable that he should have done such a wicked thing.他竟干出这样的坏事,真令人难以置信。And then, the unthinkable happened: the car skidded out of control and crashed.接着,不可思议的事情发生了:汽车失控打滑,然后撞了上去。It is unthinkable that anyone would dare to enter the Control Area without permission.很难想象有人未经同意胆敢进入控制区域。It would be unthinkable for me to stay anywhere but with the family.对我来说不和家人呆在一起是难以想象的。The idea of splitting up the company was unthinkable.将公司拆分开的想法难以让人接受。It seemed unthinkable that this quiet and apparently worthy citizen should be connected with crimes.这个不声不响、一脸正经的市民竟卷入犯罪事件,真是令人难以相信。It's unthinkable for something like this to happen.能发生这种事简直不可思议。This course of action would have been unthinkable to the generals.对将军们来说,这一行动方案是不可思议的。That anyone should want to kill her was unthinkable.竟然有人想要杀她,令人不可思议。The unthinkable had happened - his secret activities had been discovered by the press.难以想象的事发生了——他的秘密活动被新闻界发现了。Her strong Catholic beliefs made abortion unthinkable.她笃信天主教,无法接受堕胎。Edward VIII had done the unthinkable and abdicated the throne.爱德华八世主动逊位,这一举动匪夷所思。Defeat is unthinkable.战败是不可能的。It was unthinkable that he was leaving.他要离开,这让人无法相信。The previously unthinkable is not only thinkable, but achievable.先前不可想象的事现在不仅可以考虑,而且能够实现。This place is going to be unthinkable without you.没有了你,真不知道这地方会变成什么样子。The amount of sex on television that we see today would have been unthinkable in previous decades.如今我们在电视上看到的大量有关性的内容在过去几十年里是无法想象的。An agreement between the two countries was unthinkable.难以想象这两个国家能达成一项协议。Could they do the unthinkable and actually win a match?他们能把不可能变成可能,真正赢下一场比赛吗?A hitherto unthinkable question was asked.有人提出一个迄今不可思议的问题。Any thought of splitting up the company was unthinkable they said.他们说,任何将公司拆分开的想法都是不能接受的。




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