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词汇 unremarkable
例句 The poems, some in imitation of Whitman, are unremarkable.这些诗歌,有些模仿了惠特曼的风格,乏善可陈。Josh was, I thought, a pleasant but unremarkable young man.我以为乔希是一个亲切可爱,但是很普通的年轻人。I've led an unremarkable life.我一直过着平凡的生活。Annual general meetings are usually rather dull, unremarkable affairs.年度股东大会通常相当无聊,不值得关注。He is a tall, lean man, with an unremarkable face.他又高又瘦,长相平平。She had had just one adventure in her otherwise unremarkable life.她有过唯一一次不寻常的经历,使她原本平凡的生活变得不平凡起来。He led a busy but otherwise unremarkable life.他过着忙忙碌碌却是碌碌无为的生活。The food was unremarkable.这种食品很一般。It is a rather unremarkable town in North Wales.这是北威尔士一个极其普通的小镇。




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