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词汇 两句
例句 I was hoping to have a quick word with you.我希望能和你简短地说两句I only had two lines in the whole play.在整出戏中我只有两句台词。What's wrong? You haven't said more than two words since you got here.怎么了? 你到这儿以后说话还没超过两句呢。I only had two lines in the whole play and I muffed them.整个剧里我只有两句台词,却还说得一团糟。I'd like to say a few words about the plans.我想就这些计划说两句It's the detective-sergeant. He wants a word.这位是探长,他想找你聊两句The teacher took me to one side and asked if she could have a private word.老师把我叫到一边,问她能不能单独跟我说两句




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