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词汇 两国
例句 The two nations are on the brink of war. 两国正处于战争的边缘。Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、巨额预算赤字以及金融部门岌岌可危之苦。Renewed efforts are being made to improve the strained relations between the two countries.为改善两国的紧张关系正在作进一步的努力。It was claimed that Russian and American defence policies were indistinguishable.据称俄美两国的防御政策几乎没有差别。Senior officials from both countries make regular visits on a reciprocal basis.两国的高级官员经常互访。The two countries were unable to agree on a common strategy.两国未能达成共同的行动计划。The two nations made a compact to control drug traffic.两国达成协议控制毒品走私。Both countries say their intervention is purely humanitarian.两国均声称他们的干预完全是出于人道主义目的。For the first time, representatives from the two countries will talk at a conference table.两国的代表将第一次坐到会议桌上谈判。The two countries signed a treaty to solidify their alliance.两国签订了条约以巩固双方的联盟。The leaders of the two countries will meet for talks on questions of common interest.两国领袖将会面商谈两国共同利益的问题。The foreign ministers of the two countries signed the documents today.两国的外交大臣今天签署了文件。The discussions are aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations between the two countries.讨论旨在为两国进行正式谈判铺平道路。The two nations developed a modus vivendi in order to avoid war.两国为避免战争达成了临时协定。The two heads of state issued a joint statement.两国元首发表了一份联合声明。The agreement will respect the rights of both nations.这项协议将会尊重两国各自的权利。Can the two countries peacefully coexist?两国能和平共处吗?The two countries entered into a defensive alliance.两国订立了防御同盟。The two countries are close to signing a peace agreement.两国即将签署和平协议。The two countries continue to trade with each other.两国继续贸易往来。The summit highlighted the often hostile interplay between the two countries.这次峰会突现了两国惯常的相互敌对关系。He called on both nations to resume dialogue.他呼吁两国恢复对话。The two countries have resumed normal diplomatic relations.两国恢复了正常外交关系。They are making efforts to promote the continuance of good relations between the two countries.他们正努力促进两国友好关系的持续发展。Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.两国都对双方间的共同国界存有争议。The two countries moved cautiously to thaw out their frosty diplomatic relationship.两国谨慎地采取行动去缓和他们之间冷淡的外交关系。The two countries will sever diplomatic relations.两国将断绝外交关系。The two nations were unwillingly drawn into the vortex of war.两国不由自主地被卷入战争的旋涡。It is the routine tit for tat when countries expel each other's envoys.两国相互驱逐对方使节是惯有的报复行为。As a double agent, he worked for the Americans and the Russians.他是双面间谍,同时为美俄两国服务。The United States and Russia hope to conclude a treaty to cut their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.美俄两国希望达成一项将各自核武器削减三分之二的条约。The organization's aim is to strengthen the cultural ties between Britain and Germany.这个机构的宗旨是加强英德两国的文化联系。The two countries drifted close to war.两国逐步接近交战。A UN representative will act as a go-between for leaders of the two countries.一名联合国代表将在两国领导人之间斡旋。The two countries agreed to establish full diplomatic relations.两国达成建立全面外交关系的协议。Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise a common counter-drug strategy.克林顿和塞迪略命令他们各自的内阁制订两国共同的反毒品战略。Chinese officials hope that trade will pick up when the two countries switch to hard currency.中方官员希望两国在转向使用硬通货后,贸易会有起色。The two nations have maintained cordial relations.两国保持着友好关系。Neither country seemed disposed to escalate the quarrel.两国似乎都不愿让争端升级。The two countries have initialled a new defence co-operation agreement.两国签署了新的防御合作协议。




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