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词汇 unbearable
例句 My grandmother's all right until she starts sermonizing and then she's unbearable.我祖母人很好,可是一旦她开始长篇大论地说教,就让人难以忍受了。They found the heat unbearable.他们感到高温难以忍受。He was making life unbearable for his parents.他把父母的生活搅得一团糟。She found his effusive flattery unbearable.她感到他那种过分的奉承难以忍受。The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.这种紧张我再也忍受不了,真想大声尖叫。The weather was baking hot and conditions at the camp became unbearable.天气又干又热,营地里的条件令人不堪忍受。The heat was unbearable.热得叫人受不了。That child is quite unbearable.那个孩子真叫人无法容忍。When he won the Award, the complacency he exhibited was unbearable.当他领奖时,他展露出来的洋洋自得真是让人无法忍受。Many people find the idea of any kind of invasive surgery unbearable.很多人对任何有创手术都觉得接受不了。The grief she felt over Helen's death was almost unbearable.她因海伦的去世而感到悲痛难当。The stench from the sink was almost unbearable.洗涤槽的气味恶臭难当。The city would be unbearable in the summer without its green spaces.要不是有点绿地,夏天城里就会热得受不了。The throbbing pain in his leg was becoming unbearable.他的腿阵阵作痛,越来越难以忍受。It's crowded at the best of times but today it was unbearable.平时哪怕是最好的情况下人也很多,而今天则是拥挤不堪了。The weather was awful,the seasickness was almost unbearable.天气恶劣,晕船晕得简直无法忍受。An unbearable pain seared through her chest.她胸口突然感到一阵难以忍受的刺痛。The rancidity arising from the collected garbages is truly unbearable.这些堆积的垃圾所发出的腐臭真是让人受不了。The strain eventually became unbearable, and Adam started seeing a psychiatrist.最后压力大得没法承受,亚当就开始去看精神科医生了。That day the heat was unbearable.那天酷热难耐。To me moralistic films are just unbearable.对我来说,说教电影简直难以忍受。His longing for Elaine was almost unbearable.他对伊莱恩的思念几乎令他难以忍受。The stink from the drains is almost unbearable in summer.到了夏天,下水道的秽气臭不可当。Family life had become unbearable for her - the arguments, the recriminations, the accusations - so she left.家庭生活越来越令她难以忍受—吵吵闹闹,互相指责,彼此埋怨一于是她离家出走了。An almost unbearable loneliness engulfed her.她陷入了一种几乎难以忍受的寂寞。The endless lecture produced an unbearable ennui.那没完没了的演讲使人产生难以忍受的厌倦之感。Life in such a dump is unbearable.在这种脏地方过日子真受不了。Life without her would be unbearable.没有她的生活将是难以忍受的。The waiting became almost unbearable.等待变得几乎令人无法忍受。The putrid stench of garbage was almost unbearable.垃圾的恶臭几乎让人无法忍受。I find the summer heat unbearable.我觉得夏天酷热难耐。I was in terrible, unbearable pain.我当时疼痛难忍。Without him, my life would be unbearable.没有他,我的日子没法过。The film contains moments of almost unbearable poignancy.电影中有几幕让人非常辛酸,几乎不忍目睹。The tension is almost unbearable as the play approaches its climax.随着该戏渐入高潮,那种紧张气氛几乎让人受不了。I find his rudeness unbearable.我简直受不了他的粗鲁无礼。War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians.对平民来说,战争已使生活变得几乎不堪忍受。No one had warned us about the unbearable heat.没有人警告过我们注意难以忍受的高温。War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians remaining in the capital.对留在首都的平民来说,战争已使生活变得几乎不堪忍受。The tension escalated until it became unbearable.压力逐步增大,一直达到无法忍受的地步。




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