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词汇 士气
例句 After layoffs at the company, employees needed a boost in morale.公司裁员后,需要提高员工们的士气Their morale is very low.他们的士气十分消沉。Do what you can to boost her morale.尽你所能去鼓舞她的士气吧。The leader of the Liberal Democrats accused the Prime Minister of whistling in the wind to raise Conservative party morale.自由民主党领导人指责首相,说他鼓舞保守党士气之举纯属白费功夫。The low tide of self-esteem had marooned Rangers' championship aspirations in the autumn.流浪者队的士气陷入低谷,这使其在秋季夺冠的愿望化为泡影。Morale is low, and many people are disillusioned.士气非常低落,许多人感到失望。He gathered his tired but elated team together.他把疲惫不堪但依旧士气高昂的队伍集合起来。An opening goal punctured our enthusiasm.开场的一个进球使我们士气大大受挫。Her mission was to improve staff morale.她的任务是鼓舞员工的士气The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.队长试图振作队伍的士气,但没有成功。High morale among staff was found to correlate positively with productivity.人们发现员工中高昂的士气与生产力是正相关的。Mail from home is a great morale booster for our soldiers.对我们的士兵来说,家书可以大大鼓舞他们的士气Three wins in a row ignited the team.三连胜使这个队伍士气大振。There is no way of measuring the damage done to morale.士气造成的负面影响无法估量。The news was a boost to morale.这一消息鼓舞了士气The team was a wreck - thoroughly demoralized after a humiliating season.该队元气大伤—不光彩的赛季过后完全丧失了士气The soldiers’ morale was beginning to weaken.士兵的士气开始低落。Mail from home is a big morale booster for far-away troops.家书可以大大提高远在异乡的军队的士气A pay raise would boost employee morale a great deal.加薪能大大提高雇员的士气The coach tried to pep the team up.教练努力鼓舞队员们的士气Her promotion may have an indirect effect on the morale of other employees.她的提升可能会间接影响到其他雇员的士气British armies completed the rout of demoralized Italian forces.英军大败士气低迷的意军。The leader of the Liberal Democrats accused the Prime Minister of whistling in the wind to raise Conservative party morale.自由民主党领导人指责首相鼓舞保守党士气之举根本就是徒劳。The army recovered its morale and fighting power.这支军队恢复了士气和战斗力。There is a need to raise morale in the teaching profession.需要提高教育界的士气These unfortunate incidents sapped both our morale and our resources.这些不幸的事件既消磨了大家的士气,又破坏了我们的资源。His generous offer was a tremendous tonic for our morale.他的慷慨捐献极大地鼓舞了我们的士气As all our efforts failed, our spirits sagged.我们的努力均告失败,士气变得低落。The defeat had a terrible effect/impact on the team's spirits.这次失败严重打击了全队的士气Morale has been low since the latest round of job-cuts.自最近一轮裁员以来,士气一直很低落。We need someone who can inspire the team.我们需要一位能鼓舞全队士气的人物。Clearly, one of the objectives is to demoralize the enemy troops in any way they can.很明显,目标之一就是要用一切可能的手段打击敌军的士气The loss of jobs was damaging to morale.工作岗位减少影响了士气During the war we had to keep up morale on the home front. 战争期间,我们必须使后方民众保持高昂的士气Visits by celebrities and politicians were meant to boost morale among the troops.名人政要的来访是为了增强军队的士气The city's school system has been hurt by low morale and public mistrust.该市的教育体系被低沉的士气和公众的不信任所损害。After we lost the contract, morale in the office reached rock bottom.我们丢了合同后,办公室里的士气降到了最低点。A couple of victories would improve the team's morale enormously.几次胜利会极大提高队伍的士气They demoralized the other team by scoring three goals in a row.他们一连攻进了三个球,击垮了对方球队的士气Celtic were visibly lifted by their opener late in the first half.上半场临结束前的首粒进球明显提振了凯尔特队的士气




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