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词汇 士兵们
例句 The soldiers need new wands for practice.士兵们需要新箭靶来练习。The soldiers supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters.士兵们通过毒品走私犯的贿赂来充实自己的腰包。The soldiers were in civilian clothes, to make their presence less obtrusive.为了在现场不那么引人注目,士兵们穿着便装。The drummers beat to call soldiers to their quarters.鼓手们击鼓传令士兵们回营。The soldiers marched on command. 士兵们接到命令后行军。Duncan and his triumphant soldiers celebrate their military victory…邓肯和他那些欢欣鼓舞的士兵们庆祝他们取得了军事胜利。The soldiers wanted to avenge their humiliating defeat the previous year.士兵们要为上一年令人耻辱的失败报仇。The soldiers fought mightily before finally surrendering.士兵们在最后投降之前浴血奋战。The soldiers fought to the finish.士兵们坚持战斗到底。There were reports of soldiers battering prisoners with their rifles.有报道说士兵们用步枪殴打囚犯。The soldiers cocked their rifles.士兵们扳起步枪扳机。One by one each soldier approached the coffin and gave a final salute.士兵们逐个走到灵柩前致以最后的敬礼。They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.他们把士兵们的名字写在纪念碑上。The soldiers were far from home.士兵们远离家乡。The soldiers built a pontoon bridge across the Euphrates.士兵们在幼发拉底河上建起一座浮桥。The small boys loved watching the soldiers on parade.小男孩们爱看士兵们列队行进。The soldiers were marching at a steady pace.士兵们正在稳步行进。After surrendering, the soldiers evacuated the fort.士兵们投降后撤出了要塞。The men were garrisoned in town.士兵们被派往镇上驻防。Soldiers used to be flogged for disobedience.过去士兵们会因不守军令而遭鞭笞。The soldiers dug in and waited for the enemy to approach.士兵们挖了战壕隐蔽,等待敌人接近。The soldiers saluted the colonel.士兵们向上校敬礼。On no account should the soldiers be blamed for what happened.士兵们绝对不该为所发生的事情而受到责难。The soldiers are operating deep within enemy territory.士兵们正在深入敌方作战。The soldiers were slogging through the mud.士兵们在泥地中艰难跋涉。The soldiers are ready for anything that the enemy might do.敌人不论有什么举动,士兵们都严阵以待。The soldiers came under mortar fire.士兵们遭到迫击炮火的攻击。The Defence Department is footing the salaries and daily living costs of soldiers.国防部支付士兵们的薪金,负担他们的日常开销。The officer told the soldiers that the town was off limits.长官跟士兵们说禁止去镇上。The soldiers were pinned down by enemy fire. 敌军的炮火让士兵们无法前进。The soldiers walked uphill.士兵们向山上走去。The soldiers are opening ranks.士兵们正在疏开队列。Soldiers liberated the hostages from their captors.士兵们将人质从绑匪手中解救出来。The men have been fully briefed about the intended mission.有关要执行的任务,士兵们已经得到很详尽的指示。The soldiers were mowed down by fire from the enemy's guns.士兵们被敌军砲火扫杀殆尽。The soldiers had been strung out in a file.士兵们排成一列纵队前进。Soldiers are trained to stand erect.士兵们训练站得笔直。The soldiers were ordered to appear before a disciplinary council on charges of negligence.士兵们被控玩忽职守,被勒令接受纪律委员会的审查。Soldiers went on a rampage, pillaging stores and shooting.士兵们横冲直撞,洗劫商店并且开枪射击。The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days.(面对敌人的进攻)士兵们抵抗了两天。




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