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词汇 壮大
例句 This win reflects well on the growing strength of our young players.这次获胜充分体现了我们年轻球员的力量在不断壮大The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.政府正在用纳税人的钱壮大一家公有企业,再进行私人认购。Our business is outgrowing its small office building.我们的生意正在壮大发展,这座小办公楼已经不够用了。They have their own independence movement which is gathering strength.他们自己发起了独立运动,其力量正逐渐壮大They want to keep the company growing.他们想让公司不断壮大The company's path to success was by means of organic growth.这家公司是通过逐步发展壮大走上成功之路的。We are going from strength to strength.我们正在不断壮大Industry was gradually developed in the region.这一地区的工业逐步发展壮大An enlarged Latin group would be in a stronger position to negotiate en bloc with the United States.壮大的拉丁国家群体抱团和美国谈判会更有底气。The growth of such vigilante gangs has worried community leaders, police and politicians.这类治安维持会成员组成的帮派的壮大让社区领袖、警察和政界人士十分担心。The business has expanded through organic growth, rather than by taking over other companies.该企业是通过自然的发展,而不是通过接收其他公司壮大起来的。Each party has its own strategy for building a strong economy.各政党都有各自壮大经济的策略。The company had reached the size where it needed an injection of capital.公司已经壮大了规模,需要资金注入。The business of counterfeiting appears to be expanding.看来造假行业在不断壮大A country should not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors.一个国家不应该牺牲邻国来壮大自己。Large numbers of refugees have swollen the ranks of the unemployed.大量的难民壮大了失业人口的队伍。As a movement, it fed off religious naiveté and piety.作为一场运动,它依靠宗教的天真和虔诚壮大起来。Other companies are trying to piggyback on our success. 其他的公司试图借助我们的成功来壮大自己。A decade later, the company has gone from strength to strength.十年后,该公司已经逐渐壮大The growth of extremist right-wing groups is an increasing concern.极端右翼组织的壮大越来越使人担忧。Increasing unionization led to demands for higher wages and shorter hours.随着工会越来越壮大,有了提高工资、缩短工作时间的要求。He walked towards the summerhouse, at first furtively, then with more confidence.他朝凉亭走去,开始还偷偷摸摸地,后来就壮大了胆子。




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