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词汇 士兵
例句 The number of soldiers enlisting has fallen dramatically.应征入伍的士兵数量已急剧下降。The soldiers were ordered by their inhuman officers to bayonet every man they could find.毫无人性的军官们命令士兵见人就刺。Militants lobbed grenades at the soldiers.激进分子向士兵投掷手榴弹。The bar is a favorite hangout for soldiers from the nearby base.这家酒吧是附近基地士兵最爱去的地方。We mustn't let our soldiers want in their old age.我们决不能让我们的士兵晚年缺吃少穿。The president paid tribute to the brave soldiers who had lost their lives.总统向英勇牺牲的士兵致敬。The doctors managed to save the soldier's wounded leg. 医生们设法保住了士兵的伤腿。The injured soldier crawled to safety.受伤的士兵慢慢爬向安全的地方。Many soldiers were killed in the ambush.很多士兵在伏击中阵亡。Soldiers act in obedience to their officers.士兵听从军官的命令行动。We watch the soldier marching down the street .我们观看士兵在街上行进。The soldier went down in a blaze of glory. 那个士兵光荣地牺牲了。More than 10,000 troops were mobilized for war.一万多名士兵被动员起来准备作战。Soldiers and police have been put on alert.士兵和警察已处于戒备状态。The army lost many men and much of its baggage in fording the river.军队涉水渡河时损失了很多士兵和辎重。The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of South Vietnamese soldiers.作者讲述了和一群南越士兵的奇遇。They skirmished briefly with soldiers from Fort Benton.他们和来自本顿堡的士兵发生了短暂的冲突。He said many of the men who were shot for cowardice were in fact suffering from shell shock.他说很多因临战退缩而被枪毙的士兵实际上患有爆炸性精神异常。Enemy troops defiled the universally accepted white flag of surrender by opening fire.敌军向举白旗投降的士兵开火,破坏了这一公认的战争惯例。They moved slowly, knowing that in the next clump of trees enemy soldiers might be lying in ambush.他们行动很慢,因为他们知道下一簇树丛里可能埋伏着敌军的士兵There's been much fear that the United Nations peacekeepers would be under attack in a situation like that.人们非常担心联合国维和士兵在这种局势下会遭到攻击。There are a number of trigger-happy soldiers in the area.在这一地区颇有几个手痒痒的以开枪为乐事的士兵Soldiers there are going to seal the airport off.那里的士兵将封锁机场。One soldier was killed when his patrol was ambushed.一名士兵巡逻时遭到伏击身亡。The demonstrators fled when soldiers toting machine guns advanced on the crowd.当持有机枪的士兵向人群进逼时,示威者逃散了。I was treating shell-shocked soldiers.我正在治疗那些患有炮弹休克的士兵The soldier's actions constitute a breach of military protocol.士兵的行为违反了军事礼节。The soldiers are under strict orders to abide by the ceasefire.士兵接到严格指示要遵守停火协议。They're playing at soldiers.他们正在假扮士兵Two soldiers had gone AWOL the night before.前一晚,有两个士兵擅离职守。The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield.直升飞机专为快速将士兵和装备转移到战地上。The soldier blocked the move with his free hand.那位士兵用空着的那只手挡住了这一招式。There were several soldiers guarding the main gate.大门有几名士兵把守。Soldiers and police carried away the dead.士兵和警察将死者抬走。Officers are expected to discipline soldiers who do not keep their uniforms in good condition.军官们应该处罚那些不保持制服整洁的士兵The violence that soldiers experience in war can lead to emotional disturbance in later years.士兵在战争中所经历的暴行会在他们晚年诱发情绪异常。A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.一名士兵不小心枪走了火。The Queen is walking slowly along the lines of soldiers, occasionally stopping to ask a question.女王在一列列士兵面前慢慢地走过,不时地停下来问问题。They enter and leave in step like precision soldiers.他们进出时步伐整齐,就像训练有素的士兵一样。Soldiers began firing into the crowd without any warning.士兵没有发出任何警告就开始向人群射击。




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