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词汇 tumbled
例句 Great white clouds tumbled over the mountain peaks above us.朵朵白云在我们的上空飘过山顶。She slipped and tumbled down the hill/steps.她脚下一滑滚下了山/台阶。He has been deceiving her for many years, but she has still not tumbled to it.他已经欺骗她多年了,但对此她仍然没有知觉。Water tumbled over the rocks.水从岩石上滚滚流过。The box suddenly tumbled off the top of the wardrobe.那只盒子突然从衣橱顶上掉下。Her auburn curls tumbled about her face.她赤褐色的鬈发垂落在脸上。I impatiently tumbled into my sack a conglomeration of books, clothes, matches, maps and insecticides.我急匆匆把书籍、衣服、火柴、地图、杀虫药等等一大堆东西统统扔进了麻袋。Tom tumbled over and hit his head on the concrete.汤姆摔倒,头撞到水泥地。The accident tumbled us all out of the car.那次交通事故把我们全摔出了汽车。He tumbled over the cat.他被那只猫绊倒了。He tumbled me over backwards.他把我向后摔倒。Some loose stones tumbled down the slope behind her.一些松动的石头从她身后的斜坡上滚了下来。Her long dark hair tumbled over her shoulders.她那深色的长发垂落在肩头。The abandoned house finally tumbled to the ground.那座荒宅最终倒塌了。The sick child tumbled restlessly in his bed.生病的小孩在床上辗转反侧焦躁不安。She tumbled down the stairs and landed in a heap at the bottom.她从楼梯上滚下来,着地时蜷作一团。The man tumbled over backwards.那个人向后摔倒了。The hut tumbled down in the storm.小屋在暴风雨中倒塌。He tumbled downstairs.他跌跌撞撞下了楼梯。Long dark hair tumbled down her back.乌黑的长发垂落在她的背上。The kids tumbled around on the floor, laughing hysterically.孩子们狂笑着在地板上打滚。A loose rock tumbled over the precipice.一块松动的岩石从悬崖上滚落下来。The storm tumbled several trees in our garden.暴风雨刮倒了我们花园里的几棵树。Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates.谣传利率上升之后,股票市场价格猛跌。He stopped and tumbled the wood in a pile on the sand.他停下脚步,把木头一股脑丢到沙滩上。He tumbled into bed and fell asleep.他迷迷糊糊地上床睡着了。The world economy faltered and stock markets tumbled.世界经济衰退,股票市场暴跌。She was so tired after the concert that she just tumbled into bed.音乐会结束后她倦得纳头便睡。She tripped and tumbled down the stairs.她失足滚下楼梯。The acrobats tumbled over the stage.杂技演员们在台上翻跟头。The dog had tumbled down the cliff…那只狗已摔下了悬崖。He tumbled his clothes and books into a big sack.他把他的衣服和书胡乱装进一只大口袋。I soon tumbled to the fact that I was wasting my time.我很快意识到自己是在浪费时间。I tumbled upon the rare volume in the nearby bookstore.我在附近那家书店偶然发现了这一珍本。It was a long time before she tumbled to what I meant.她用了很长时间才明白了我的意思。Once again a government tumbled.又是一个政府被推翻了。All at once he tumbled to what I was hinting at.突然,他明白了我的暗示。The kittens tumbled about on the floor.几只小猫在地板上翻滚嬉戏。Daisy tumbled short of his dreams.黛茜够不上他理想中的标准。The kittens tumbled about on the floor.几只小猫在地板上打滚。




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