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例句 He tucked away a big lunch.他尽情地吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。We all tucked in as soon as the food was served.饭菜一端上来,我们就都狼吞虎咽地吃起来。His mother tucked in his blanket.他母亲帮他把毯子盖好。She tucked her letter into an envelope.她把信折好塞进信封。I tucked the box away in the linen drawer.我把盒子藏在放棉织品的抽屉里。I tucked the bills deep into my pocket, away from itchy fingers.我把钞票塞进口袋深处,以防扒手偷走。The boys were tucked in bed, fast asleep.男孩们被子盖得严严的,睡得很熟。They tucked into a hearty breakfast of eggs.他们早餐狼吞虎咽地吃了很多鸡蛋。She tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear.她把一缕不听话的头发撩到耳后。He tucked his shirt inside his trousers.他把衬衫掖进裤子里。The bird slept with its head tucked under its wing.鸟儿将头藏在翅膀下面睡觉。The cabin was tucked away in the woods behind the hills.小屋位于群山之后,环抱于林木之间,很清幽。A group of tiny brick houses is tucked away behind the factory.工厂后面隐藏着一片小砖房。The Vietnamese restaurant is tucked away on a quiet street. 这家越南餐厅位于一条安静的街上。Keep your elbows tucked firmly into your sides.双肘紧紧夹住身体两侧。A spot check at the school revealed weapons tucked away in desks and lockers.学校的一次突击检查发现了一些藏在课桌和寄物柜里的武器。We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room.我们藏在房间一个隐蔽的角落里。The baby's dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches.婴儿的衣服用细针脚缝著漂亮的褶裥。Her father tucked her into bed.她父亲给她盖好被子。The apartment is tiny so he keeps the dog's bed tucked away all day until he brings it out at night.公寓房间很小,他只好白天将狗窝收起,晚上再拿出来。They live in a log cabin tucked among the trees.他们住在树林深处的小木屋中。The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince.圣米歇尔小教堂藏在太子港的一条狭窄小街上。The children are cosily tucked up in bed.孩子们舒舒服服地盖着被子躺在床上。The children were safely tucked up in bed.孩子们安稳地裹在被子里。He tucked many notables into a brief day visit.他把对许多知名人士的访问挤在短短一天的时间里。Judging by the way they tucked into their dinner, they must have been very hungry.看他们晚餐时那种狼吞虎咽的样子,一定是饿坏了。He should have tucked his tail then!他当时真该感到羞耻。I bet Grandma's got quite a bit tucked away.我敢肯定奶奶藏了不少钱。He tucked his jeans neatly into his boots.他利落地把牛仔裤裤腿塞进靴子里。She hadn't sealed the envelope, but had simply tucked in the flap.她没有将信封封好,只将信封的口盖折进信封里。She tucked them up in bed.她安顿他们上床睡觉。He has fed the children and tucked them into bed.他喂饱了孩子并安顿他们睡觉。The bird tucked its head under its wing.鸟把头缩起来藏在翅膀下。She had gone to work believing Helen was safely tucked up in bed.她相信海伦已经安然入睡后就去上班了。His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs.昨晚,他的队伍灰溜溜地退场了。The box had been tucked away in an odd corner of the attic.盒子藏在阁楼上一个隐蔽的地方She tucked a strand of long dark hair behind her ear.她把一缕长长的黑发别到耳后。The children are tucked up in bed for the night.孩子们的被子都盖好了,可以入睡了。I tucked some plastic wrap around the sandwiches to keep them from getting stale.我用塑料包装纸把三明治裹起来,防止变质。I tucked into bacon and eggs and fried bread.我津津有味地吃下了熏肉、鸡蛋和炸面包。




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