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词汇 trucks
例句 They heard the sound of trucks being loaded up and driven away.他们听见有人给卡车装货而后把车开走。Heavy trucks alarmed one all night.载重卡车声整夜使人不得安宁。The stationary trucks were sitting targets for the enemy planes.静止的卡车是敌机的活靶子。The cars and trucks hurtled by without slowing.汽车和卡车疾驰而过,没有减速。These trucks are designed to take a lot of punishment.这些卡车设计得很耐用。The company has a fleet of trucks that are used to haul freight.这家公司拥有一个货运车队。Cars and trucks swooshed past.小轿车和卡车嗖嗖地疾驶而过。Soldiers were transshipping from the trucks to lorries.士兵们正由铁路敞篷货车换乘卡车。We watched as the trucks rumbled past/by.我们看着这些卡车隆隆驶过。Two of the trucks were stopped because they had tents in them, and under the commanders' definition of humanitarian aid, that didn't count.其中两辆卡车被拦住了,因为车里装着帐篷,而根据指挥官对人道主义援助的定义,那不符合标准。Smaller trucks unload at the roadside.较小的卡车在路边卸货。They were loaded on the railway trucks to go to Liverpool.它们被装上开往利物浦的货运火车。We'd better shoot now before the trucks get out of range.我们最好现在射击,否则卡车要开出射程了。The trucks carried medicine and other supplies across the border.卡车运送药品和其他日常用品穿越边境。The trucks tried to drive to the British base, running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen.卡车队试图冲过几帮劫匪的火力网开赴英军基地。The windows tremble when trucks drive past our house.卡车开过时,我家的窗户会轻微晃动。This is the spot where the two trucks collided.这儿就是两辆卡车相撞的地点。Cars and trucks are choking up our streets.轿车和卡车把我们的街道堵塞了。Heavily laden donkeys joined the procession of jeeps and trucks.满载货物的驴子加入了吉普车和卡车的队伍。The wheels of the trucks skidded as they fought for purchase on the packed snow.卡车轮子使劲要在积雪上稳住,但还是打滑。To compare large trucks with compact cars is to compare apples with oranges.大型卡车与小型轿车不具可比性。A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.一眼望不到头的一长列卡车眼巴巴地等着装货。He has cars and trucks, and even though the former are easier to drive, the latter are more useful.他有轿车和卡车,虽然前者比较好开,可后者更实用。The heavy-duty trucks were rutting the road.重型卡车在公路上留下车辙。We kept to the side of the road as cars and trucks hurtled past us.汽车和卡车从我们身旁飞驰而过时,我们贴着路边行走。The company's records place three of their trucks in the area that day.公司的记录证明,那天这个地方有三辆公司的卡车。General Motors agreed to supply trucks to the Chinese government on condition that they altered their pricing policy on cars.通用汽车公司同意向中国政府提供卡车,条件是他们必须修改汽车的价格政策。Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks.以往由卡车运送的很多货物现在都改用双层列车运送了。Heavy trucks ground down the road.重型卡车轧轧地沿着马路开过去。With its own fleet of trucks, the company delivers most orders overnight.这个公司拥有自己的货车车队,大多数订购货品可以隔日送到。The trucks were laden with food and medicine.那些卡车满载着食品和药品。As soon as we've got the all clear, I'll order the trucks.一旦我们得到许可,我就叫那些卡车来。On the streets, water trucks flushed away the Canada Day trash.大街上,水车将人们在加拿大国庆日制造的垃圾冲走。The trucks are in constant need of repair.这些卡车经常需要维修。Railroads, trucks, bus lines, and airlines are all engaged in transportation.铁路、卡车、公共汽车和航空公司都从事客货运输。A convoy of United Nations trucks rolled into Sarajevo today.今天一支联合国卡车车队开进了萨拉热窝。A convoy of heavy trucks rumbled past.一队重型卡车轰隆隆地驶过。The trucks were all tested for roadworthiness.这些卡车都通过了路试检测。Two tanks convoyed the trucks across the border.两辆坦克护送卡车穿越边境。Every time one of these big trucks goes by, all the houses shake.每当这样的一辆大卡车经过时,所有的房屋都会颤动。




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