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例句 The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.该报告接着提出了一些改善飞机上的安全措施的建议。She contracted the disease and passed it on to her child.她染上了这种疾病,又传给了自己的孩子。We should move on to the next item on the list.我们应该接着做单子上的下一项。I tried desperately to hang on to my sanity as events became more and more confused.事情越来越复杂,我拼命想保持头脑清醒。A woman fell on to the tracks.一名女子摔倒在铁轨上。Many first-class students go on to have even greater success.许多一流的学生后来都取得了更大的成就。The teachers counted the students as they got on to the bus.学生们上车时老师点了一下人数。The activists had tagged on to parties of tourists being shown around Buckingham Palace.激进主义分子跟在参观白金汉宫的游客们后面。Put a pan of salted water on to boil.将一锅盐水放上去煮。He went on to study medicine at Edinburgh University.他继续在爱丁堡大学学医。His mother soon moved on to a new relationship.他母亲很快又开始了一段新恋情。Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods.额外雇用了一些员工来应付繁忙时期。Can I hold on to this book for another week?这本书我可以再看一个星期吗? They climbed the steep ascent on to the plateau.他们爬过陡峭的坡路登上高原。It was the spy's suspicious manner that first put us on to him.最初引起我们对这个间谍警惕的是他的可疑的举止。The car in front of me skidded and I slammed the brakes on to avoid it.前面的汽车打滑了,我猛力踩刹车以免撞到它。Would you pass it on to the next person?把它传给下一个人好吗? Ann slipped the jacket on to see what it looked like.安迅速穿上那件夹克衫试试效果如何。Log on to live chat this evening and put your questions to your favourite pop stars.登入今晚的网上聊天并向你喜欢的流行乐歌星提问。Movies are given a rating of one to five stars according to merit.影片根据优劣按一到五星评级。He will get on to calculus as he keeps on working at it.他会掌握微积分的,因为他一直在温习这门课程。The steps are slippery; you'd better hold on to the railing.台阶湿滑,你最好抓紧栏杆。Eva had never been one to indulge in self-pity.伊娃从不是那种沉湎于自怜自哀的人。He's never one to pass up a free meal.他那种人绝不会放弃白吃一顿的机会。Place the pastry circles on to a baking sheet and position one apple on each circle.把油酥面圈放到烘烤盘上,并在每个上面放一个苹果。They didn't want to be the first ones to cross the colour line.他们不想成为率先跨越种族界限的人。I'll get on to the manufacturers to replace these damaged goods.我将要求厂方调换这些损坏的商品。They were not the only ones to have brains and ambition.并不是只有他们聪明、有志向。Go straight on to the end of this road, then turn left.直走到这条路的尽头,然后左转。I gave him my address so he could post the tape on to me.我把地址给了他,以后他就能把磁带寄给我。You have to understand the basics before you can move on to more advanced work.在进行较为深入的工作前,你必须掌握基础知识。Urgent talks are going on to prevent the market going into financial meltdown during the summer.正在进行紧急会谈,以防止市场在夏季出现金融危机。She had no one to turn to for assistance.她找不到可以帮助她的人。He went on to intimate that he was indeed contemplating a shake-up of the company.他继续暗示他确实在考虑对公司进行一次大改组。Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.农夫们割下干草,用叉子把草叉到车上,然后拉到谷仓贮存。He was turned on to cocaine by an acquaintance.一个熟人让他迷上了可卡因。She complained that her boss has been coming on to her.她抱怨说老板一直勾引她。Look, we've been over this ad nauseam. I think we should move on to the next item.看,这个问题我们都已经说腻了。 我看我们还是进入下一项吧。People hold on to letters for years and years.人们长年累月地保存信件。Go on to the next question when you've finished.做完后接着做下一道题。




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