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词汇 trod
例句 Rose trod with care, in order not to spread the dirt.为了不扬起尘土,罗丝小心翼翼地迈步前行。The serf was trod to death.这个农奴被蹂躏致死。He trod heavily out of the room and into the courtyard.他噔噔地走出房间到院子里去了。Our ancestors trod this same path.我们的祖先曾经走过这同一条道路。Wall Street was lying doggo for a while, and the stock market trod water.华尔街一时隐伏不动,而股票市场上下震荡。 He accidentally trod on her foot.他不小心踩着了她的脚。He unwarily trod upon a viper asleep just before his feet.他不小心踩到正睡在他脚前的蛇上。Billy trod in a big puddle.比利踏进了一个大水坑。Ow, you trod on my foot, you clumsy brute!噢,你踩到我脚了,你这个笨家伙!The sheep trod a path through the grass.羊群在草地上踩出一条路。David trod wearily along behind the others.戴维疲惫地走在其他人后面。She got badly spiked when one of the runners trod on her heel.一名跑步选手踩在她脚后跟上,她被严重扎伤了。He trod water until the lifeguard pulled him out.他踩着水直到救生员把他拉上来。I trod in some mud in the park, and tracked it into the house.我在公园里踩到泥巴,一路踏回家中。She trod gingerly. It would be risky to hurry.她小心谨慎地走着,走急了会有危险。He trod in some wet cement.他踩在了一滩湿水泥上。The man trod on a landmine and had his leg blown off.那个人踩上了地雷,把一条腿炸没了。He trod softly up the stairs.他轻手轻脚地上了楼。They slowly trod back to the camp.他们慢慢地走回营地。She trod barefoot on the soft grass.她光脚踩在柔软的草地上。Ouch! That was my toe you just trod on.哎哟!你刚才踩的是我的脚。That man trod on my foot and he didn't even apologize.那个人踩了我的脚,连对不起都没说一声。It's been many years since he first trod the boards on Broadway.从他第一次登上百老汇的舞台至今已有好多年了。Stepping backwards, Harry trod on the foot of the woman behind him.哈里向后退时,踩着了身后一名女子的脚。He trod heavily and reluctantly up the stairs.他拖着沉重的脚步,极不情愿地上了楼。She planted the seeds and trod the earth down.她埋下种子,把土踩实。She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。




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