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词汇 to put in
例句 It's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra.按计划在到达巴士拉之前它会停靠在亚丁或其他港口。You will each have a chance to put in your two cents. 你们每个人都有机会表达自己的观点。The motorist decided to put in at the next hotel for a meal.那位驾车者决定在下一家旅馆稍作停留以便进餐。I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary.我决定申请副书记一职。Spassky won the first game, and was awarded by the second by default, when Fischer failed to put in an appearance.斯帕斯基赢了第一局,又因菲舍尔第二局未能上场而再胜一局。At the last moment, Tom decided to put in a new character to make the story seem more likely.在最后一刻,汤姆决定加进一个新的人物,使故事显得更为真实。At least Marc managed to put in an appearance at the party.至少,马克在聚会上露了一面。The proportions of the room allowed us to put in a grand piano.这房间的面积可以让我们放进一架大钢琴。I'd like to put in a few words on his behalf. 我想代表他说几句。They're going to have to put in new plumbing.他们将需要安装新的水管。In order to fix the car they have to put in a new engine.为了把车修好,他们不得不装一个新发动机。During the show she managed to put in a plug for her new book.在节目当中她设法将自己的新书推销了一番。If anyone wants to put in a bid on the property they'll have to move quickly.如果有人想为那物业出个价,就必须迅速行动。I think I ought to put in an appearance at the office before lunch.我想我得在午饭前到办公室露一下面。I mixed up some filler to put in the cracks.我调制了一些腻子填塞到缝里。I need to put in a report about this.我要就此提交一份报告。You need to put in a comma here. Otherwise it is not clear in meaning.你需在此加一个逗号,否则意思不清楚。We had to put in three hours' work a night.我们不得不每晚工作三小时。The landlord has promised to put in a new heating system.房东答应安装一套新的供暖系统。Don't forget to put in your claim for expenses.别忘了提申请报销费用。Everyone had to put in their two cents worth.每个人都必须说说自己的意见。You have two weeks to put in a claim with the insurance company.你有两星期的时间向保险公司提交索赔申请。We are going to put in a lot of museum time.我们要花很多时间参观博物馆。The ship fell foul of a cyclone and had to put in to its home port.那条船遇到旋风,不得不返航靠岸。I won't be able to stay at the party long, but I'll at least try to put in an appearance. 我不能在聚会上待太久,不过至少可以露个面。I'd like to put in an order for a dozen roses.我想订购一打玫瑰。




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