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例句 Residents have to put up with noxious fumes from the nearby factory.居民们不得不忍受着从附近工厂排出的有毒烟雾。Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody like that?你为什么要在大家面前那样数落我?He is generally expected to put his work before his personal matter.总的说来,希望他以工作为重,私事其次。She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.她心情不好,受不了布兰奇的吹毛求疵。Grandmother was getting too frail to live on her own, so we had to put her in an old people's home.祖母身体太弱,不能独自生活,所以我们不得不把她安置在养老院里。He has also said he will have to become a strong President to put things right.他还说为力挽狂澜他将不得不做一个强权总统。He likes to put on airs in front of the media.有媒体在场的时候,他总是喜欢装模作样。He felt disappointed but he tried to put on a brave face.他感到很失望,但还竭力强装欢笑。It took firefighters over two hours to put out the fire.消防员花了两个多小时才将火扑灭。They have to put up with a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep.他们不得不忍受就在家门口的巨型炼油厂。The art gallery's problem is an embarrassment of riches, with nowhere to put most of them.那家美术馆的问题是好作品太多,大多数作品无处陈放。The time has come to put an end to the conflict.结束冲突的时候到了。I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach.我喜欢穿着泳衣在海滩上招摇而行。But not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely.但是说得委婉一些,并不是所有的钱都花得很明智。The workmen are coming to put the new windows in today.今天工人要来装新窗户。He has a chance to put things right by admitting a mistake was made.他还有机会扭转局面,那就是承认犯了错误。All the attention didn't seem to put her out at all.所有这些关注似乎一点儿也没有打扰到她。Patricia went upstairs to put on some lipstick.帕特里夏上楼去擦口红。It took ages to put together the documentation needed to get into the country - what a business!花了好长时间才将入境所需的文件整理好——真是件麻烦事!It helps to put their personal problems into perspective.将他们的个人问题进行全盘衡量会有所帮助。He is trying to put a team together for next season.他正在努力为下一个赛季组建一支球队。Let's give her the chance to put her ideas into practice.让我们给她一个把她的想法付诸实践的机会。They had to put the wedding off because the bride's mother had an accident.因为新娘的母亲出了事故,他们只好把婚礼推迟。The government is trying to put the squeeze on high earners.政府正设法对高收入者施加压力。Your projected sales figures are, to put it politely, merely intelligent guesses.你预期的销售数字,客气地说,只不过是聪明的猜想罢了。The mother asked the child to put on his pajamas, but the child refused to cooperate.妈妈叫孩子穿上睡衣,但这孩子就是不听话。Lucy pinned back her hair and began to put on her makeup.露西用发夹把头发别在后面,然后开始化妆。The doctor told me she was going to put me to sleep.医生告诉我,她要给我施麻醉药让我失去知觉。He apologized, and asked for a chance to put things right.他道了歉,请求给他补救的机会。We tried to put on a happy/brave face despite our concern.尽管有些担忧,我们仍然强装笑脸/强作勇敢。He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly.他认为一些工人可能害怕公开提问。Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room.让接待员把你的电话接到我房间。It shows much long-suffering in you to put up with him.你能容忍他,这表明你很有长期忍耐精神。There's been a misunderstanding and I'd like to put it straight.之前一直存在误解,我想把它澄清了。The engine failed and the pilot had to put the plane down in the sea.发动机出了毛病,驾驶员只得使飞机在海上降落。I won't be able to stay at the party long, but I'll at least try to put in an appearance. 我不能在聚会上待太久,不过至少可以露个面。You will have to put up with Grace's absent-mindedness.你得忍受格雷丝的心不在焉。She needs to put up big numbers in today's game.在今天的比赛中,她要多得分才行。The lawyer asked the court to put on record that her client had always been co-operative.律师要求法庭把她的当事人一向很合作的事实记录下来。She plans to put out a new album in March.她计划三月份推出一张新专辑。




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