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词汇 trespassing
例句 You have to leave or else you will be arrested for trespassing.你必须得离开,否则你会因擅自闯入被拘捕。He was trespassing on school grounds.他擅自进入学校场地。I hope I am not trespassing on/upon your time. 我希望我没有占用你太多时间。You are trespassing the bounds of good taste.你这是有伤大雅。He was caught trespassing on private property.他擅闯私人宅地被抓了。She was arrested for trespassing on government property.她因擅闯政府物业而被逮捕。No trespassing!不得擅自闯入! The strikers were harassed, beaten and put in jail for trespassing.罢工者受到骚扰、殴打,并因擅入私人土地入狱。Don't come trespassing on my land again.不要再擅自进入我的地界。They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education.他们正采取行动以阻止国家干涉诸如性教育之类的家庭问题。He told me I was trespassing.他说我正在擅自闯入。They were trespassing on private property.他们擅自闯入私人房屋。It would be trespassing on their hospitality to accept any more from them.再接受他们的给予就是利用他们的好意了。The police picked him up for trespassing/robbery/murder.警方以侵犯罪/抢劫罪/谋杀罪将他逮捕。You're trespassing!你这是非法侵入!




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