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词汇 transmit
例句 The roots transmit moisture and nutrients to the trunk and branches.根将水分和养料输送到干和枝。The cable office was reluctant to transmit the report.电报局不大愿意发那份报告。This is currently the most efficient way to transmit certain types of data like electronic mail.这是目前传送电子邮件等某些类型的数据的最高效方式。Some types of mosquito transmit malaria to humans.某些种类的蚊子能将疟疾传染给人类。A variety of modalities of communication can be used to transmit health warnings to the public.有多种传播模式可用来将健康警报传递给公众。The speed with which digital cameras can take, process, and transmit an image is phenomenal.数码相机拍摄、处理和传输图像的速度相当惊人。The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and transmit an image is phenomenal.数码相机拍摄、处理和传输图像的速度相当惊人。The device is not designed to transmit to satellites.该设备不是为向卫星发送信号而设计的。The students were hoist by their own petards, however, as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway.不过,学生们聪明反被聪明误,格拉纳达最终还是决定要转播这个节目。Your contaminated fingers can transmit the parasite to many surfaces.你受污染的手指会向许多物体表面传播寄生虫。Radio contact was established in the nick of time and we managed to transmit a message to the ship.无线电联络在最后一刻接上了,我们设法向船上发送了一份电文。Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.父母把某些特性遗传给子女。We transmit our values to our children.我们把自己的价值观传递给孩子。The nerves transmit pain.这些神经传导痛觉。These thin crystals transmit much of the power.这些薄薄的晶体传导了大部分的动力。I will transmit the money by special messenger.我将专门派人送这笔钱。




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