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词汇 tricks
例句 We have looked through the enemy's tricks.我们已识破了敌人的种种花招。You must know some pretty fancy tricks.你必须掌握一些高难度的技巧。If I know Mark he'll have one or two tricks up his sleeve.如果说我还算了解马克,我知道他总会留着一两招。They tried using their usual bag of tricks.他们试图使用那套惯用的伎俩。Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.有些魔术需要观众参与。The press accused the president of dirty tricks in his election campaign.媒体指责总统在竞选中使用了卑鄙手段。They were living on the streets and turning tricks to survive.她们在街头漂泊,靠卖身为生。She was living on the street and turning tricks to survive.她流落街头,以接客卖淫为生。The carpenter brought the whole bag of tricks with him.木匠把一应工具都带来了。He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign..他声称他是一场卑鄙的竞选运动的牺牲品。Michael made us all laugh with his zany tricks.迈克尔以他的各种滑稽噱头把我们大家都逗笑了。Politicians have come up with many tricks to evade campaign spending limits.政客们想出许多计策,避开竞选经费的限制。I tried to get my mother to start using a computer, but she says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.我想让我妈开始用电脑,但是她说老古董学不会新东西。There will be danger of losing two trump tricks.有输掉两张王牌的危险。We can see through all your tricks and schemes, so you needn't think you can pull the wool over our eyes.我们能够识破你所有的阴谋诡计,所以不必以为你能蒙骗我们。Was it only her imagination playing tricks on her?真的只是她的想象在作怪吗?He shows me card tricks.他表演纸牌戏法给我看。He's up to his tricks the minute my back's turned.我一转身,他就在我背后调皮捣蛋。A dusk light plays tricks on the eyes.昏暗的光会让人眼产生错觉。She loved to pull tricks/jokes on her brother.她喜欢捉弄自己的兄弟。These are psychological tricks they are using to crack them.这些是他们正用来摧垮他们的心理战术。He performs magic tricks for entertainment.他变魔术是为了消遣。People are getting wise to the tricks politicians use in campaign advertisements.人们逐渐意识到政客们在竞选宣传中使用的把戏。The recruiting advertisement of this company is full off gimmicky tricks. We'd better be careful.这家公司的征人广告中充满了华而不实的噱头,我们还是小心为上。He won the first three tricks easily.他轻松地赢了头三墩牌。The declarer must make as many tricks as his bid has promised.庄家必须赢得定约规定必须赢的墩数。Magazines often improve photographs before they print them - it's one of the tricks of the trade.杂志在刊发照片前往往要对照片进行修饰——这是一种行业手法。It happened a long time ago, and my memory might be playing tricks on me.那是很久以前的事了,我记不清了。They use all kinds of cunning tricks to make people give them money.他们用各种鬼把戏骗人们给他们钱。These rhetorical tricks are common in political speeches.这些修辞技巧在政治演说中是常见的。The magician will astound you with his latest tricks.魔术师最新的魔术会让你们大吃一惊。A magician visited each table, performing conjuring tricks for the guests.一位魔术师来到每张桌子前,为客人们变戏法。I have no respect for my father who, having remarried, is still up to his old tricks.我对父亲没任何敬意,他已经再婚,却依然喜欢耍老把戏。The conjuror's tricks delighted the children.魔法师的各种戏法把孩子们逗得很开心。I wished he had never played his bastardly tricks.我希望他不曾耍过他的卑鄙伎俩。The monkey and the dog performed several tricks.猴子和狗耍了几出把戏。Many people fell for his tricks.许多人上了他的当。She was a mischievous little girl who was always playing tricks on people.她是个淘气的小女孩,老是爱捉弄人。His talk is a series of verbal conjuring tricks with indefinables.他的谈话是一整套玩弄模糊不清概念的言语把戏。The coach always keeps a few tricks up his sleeve.这个教练总有一些锦囊妙招。




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