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词汇 tried
例句 The director has tried to dissociate himself from his earlier films.这位导演努力使自己摆脱早期电影的套路。The city government tried to hush things up when the mayor was arrested.当市长被捕时,市政府企图掩盖此事。Sofia and Alex came to a halt and both tried to regain their breath.索菲娅和亚历克斯停了下来,两人都想喘口气。It's time we tried something new.我们该尝试新东西了。Protesters tried to break through a police cordon.抗议者们试图冲破警察的封锁线。He was shot as he tried to foil a bank robbery.他试图阻止银行抢劫案时中弹了。The boat's engine misfired after he tried to start it up.他试着发动船的引擎,但打不着火。They tried to drive a wedge between you and the Arabs.他们试图挑起你们与阿拉伯人之间的不和。He tried to deceive the public into thinking the war could still be won.他试图欺骗公众相信这场战争仍能打赢。I tried to make small talk, but Darden wasn't interested.我努力找话说,但达登不感兴趣。I clumsily tried to make amends.我笨拙地想要赔罪。He was wounded as he tried to escape.他试图逃跑的时候受伤了。The country's former leader was tried for crimes against humanity.那个国家的前领导人因危害人类罪而受到审判。Others have tried and failed.其他人试过,却失败了。The singer tried not to look self-conscious.歌手尽量使自己显得自然。We tried out these methods, with varying degrees of success.这些方法我们都试过了,取得了不同程度的成功。The two sides tried and failed to come to a deal.双方都努力想达成协议,但是没有成功。He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities.他回避了她有关战争的问题,极力为那些暴行辩解。He tried to get out of doing his homework.他尽力想要逃避做家庭作业。I kept quiet and tried to merge into the background.我保持安静,尽量不引人注意。She didn't want to seem too eager, so she tried to play it cool. 她不想显得很心急,所以尽量故作冷静。Have you tried any of the local delicacies?你品尝过当地的美食吗 ?He tried to get close to her under the pretence of examining the pictures on the wall.他借口仔细看墙上的画,试图接近她。The army tried to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.军队试图以尽可能少的兵力据守西部沙漠。The management tried to satisfy staff with some platitudes about the need to make sacrifices for the benefit of the company.管理层说一些老生常谈的话,说什么要为公司利益作出牺牲,以试图安抚人心。A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her.一名警察和一位护理人员先后试图救活她。We bantered a bit while I tried to get the car started.在我试着发动车子的时候,我们打趣了一阵。They tried to pawn him off as some sort of expert.他们努力把他包装成一副专家的模样。She tried to conceal her face from photographers.她试图遮住脸不让摄影师照到。I tried to hail a cab but none of them would stop.我试图叫出租车,但一辆也不肯停。She tried to interest the director in her plan.她努力使导演对她的方案产生兴趣。Mary tried several lines of work, but at last found herself as a teacher.玛丽试做了几种工作,但最后发觉自己还是适于做教师。She tried her best not to laugh.她尽力不让自己笑出来。They tried to translate the theory into simple concepts.他们试图把理论转化为简单的概念。She tried to banish all thoughts of him from her mind. 她极力让自己把他完全忘掉。Russell tried to give me the brush-off, but I don't give up that easily.拉塞尔想让我碰钉子,但我是不会轻易放弃的。I crammed on my cap again, helped the Duke up and tried to dust him off.我重新戴上帽子,扶公爵起身并掸去他身上的土。I tried to close my mind to what was happening.我尽量不去想所发生的事。He tried to palm off science fiction as truth.他试图让人们把科幻小说当成事实。He did not have much success, but tried not to get too disconsolate.他没有什么成就,但尽力不让自己太过沮丧。




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