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词汇 traders
例句 Consumers are spending less and traders are feeling the pinch.消费者支出在减少,商人们感觉日子不好过。Market traders display an exotic selection of the island's produce.集市上的商贩摆出了一系列具有异域风味的该岛农产品以供选择。Because they don't risk money, corporate financiers are considered wimps by traders.公司金融家不肯拿钱去冒险,所以被商人视为胆小鬼。Small traders often have short-term cash-flow problems.小商贩们常常会遇到短期现金周转问题。There are traders' stalls on both sides of the street.这条街的两边都有生意人的货摊。The cries of the market traders were all around.市场上四处都是商贩的叫卖声。However, traders tended to discount the rumor.然而,商人往往不相信这一谣传。A strong buy signal was issued to traders.交易员收到了强烈的买入信号。On every street corner there were traders hawking their wares.每个街角都有商贩在兜售商品。Many traders forecast a continuation of the market's recent bearish trend.很多交易商都预测最近市场的下跌趋势还将延续。As the recession hit, many traders were forced out of business.由于遭受经济衰退的冲击,许多商人都破产了。She passed the market traders noisily plying their wares.她走过一群高声兜售商品的小贩。Many traders sold to hedge against wheat they expect to have on hand.很多商人抛出期货以免即将到手的小麦因行市下跌而遭受损失。A few traders are concerned by the recent drop in the stock market, but most are not fazed.一些交易人受到最近股市下挫的影响,但大多数都没有惊慌失措。Some of the traders settled and intermarried with local women.一些商人定居下来,并与当地妇女通婚。Ella taught her how to haggle with the market traders.埃拉教她如何与市场商贩讨价还价。The slave traders ravished babies from their mothers' arms.奴隶贩子把婴儿从母亲们的怀里抢走。China is now one of the largest traders in the world.中国现在是世界上最大的贸易国之一。The threat of war has been enough to unsettle international oil traders.战争的威胁足以引起国际油商的不安。Some traders blamed the Japanese, claiming they'd ganged together and were conspiring to force prices down.一些商人指责那些日本人,声称他们拉帮结派,密谋压低价格。In these negotiations, other traders tended to follow the trend set by the strong.在这些谈判中,商家往往按照实力雄厚者定下的一般做法行事。By the time we got there, all the market traders were shutting up.我们到那儿的时候,所有的店铺都关门打烊了。This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets.这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场。My mother used to spend hours haggling with the market traders.我母亲过去会同市场里的商贩讨价还价几个小时。To the surprise of many Wall Street traders, the dollar rose yesterday.使很多华尔街经纪人吃惊的是,昨天美元上涨了。Some of the smaller traders are being frozen out by the big combines.一些小商人正在被联合大企业淘汰。Other traders did everything they could to freeze us out of the business.其他商人则想方设法地要把我们排挤出这个生意圈。The traders sweated as they manhandled crates of soft drinks.商贩们搬动一箱箱软饮料时出了一身汗。The market traders began setting out their displays.市场上的商贩开始摆出自己的商品。Local traders are struggling to combat the menace of armed robbery.当地商人正竭力与持枪抢劫这一威胁作斗争。It was infamous as a kingdom of brigands, scoundrels, and slave-traders.该地区因土匪、无赖和奴隶贩子猖獗而声名狼藉。For international traders, changes in the exchange rate are an unavoidable hazard.对做国际贸易的商人来说,汇率的变动是无法避免的风险。Some traders are already stacking the red-hot book on their shelves.一些经销商已经把这本火暴的书摆上架了。Motor traders are looking forward to a further increase in vehicle sales.汽车经销商预期汽车销量会进一步攀升。Bond traders worried about inflation have driven up interest rates on long-term bonds.债券交易员担心通货膨胀抬升了长期债券的利率。In the morning, traders said, trading was out of focus and buy orders were scattered over a wide range of issues.上午,交易商说,交易中没有出现热点,买盘分散于多种债券。Stock traders who ignore these signs are in danger of being caught napping when a recession hits.当经济衰退到来时,那些对此类迹象掉以轻心的证券商就可能会被弄得措手不及。




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