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词汇 鬼魂
例句 They tried to cast out the spirits from the haunted house.他们努力把鬼魂赶出那间鬼屋。They say that the spectres of the murdered children walk through the grounds at night.他们说夜里这些被害孩子的鬼魂就在地上行走。His ghost is said to haunt some of the rooms.据说他的鬼魂会在其中的几个房间出没。People and things are substantial; dreams and ghosts are not.人和事物是真实的;梦和鬼魂是虚幻的。She believes the noises are made by ghosts, but I think there's a more prosaic explanation.她认为这些声音是鬼魂发出的,但我觉得还有比这更无聊的解释。The ghost of a hanged man is said to haunt the house.据说一个吊死者的鬼魂常在这所房子里出没。A ghostly figure hovered at the top of the stairs.有个像鬼魂的人影在楼梯的上面徘徊。His ghost is said to haunt some of the rooms, banging a toy drum.据说他的鬼魂经常敲着玩具鼓出没在其中的一些房间里。He feared the soul of his deceased wife would haunt him.他害怕亡妻的鬼魂会来缠扰他。Do the spirits of the dead walk at night?死者的鬼魂会在夜间出现吗?Ghosts are fabled to appear at midnight.故事里,鬼魂都是半夜出现。The spectre is reputed to be that of Frances Culpepper, daughter of Lord John Freschville.鬼魂据说是约翰·弗雷希维尔大人的女儿弗朗西丝·卡尔佩珀。Those who claimed to have seen sprites were reluctant to reveal their names.那些自称曾看见过鬼魂的人不愿意披露他们的姓名。She felt a ghostly presence in the room.她觉得房间里有鬼魂She believes in ghosts and alien abduction.她相信有鬼魂,也相信有外星人绑架事件。He scared the pants off his sister by talking about ghosts all night.他整夜大谈鬼魂,把妹妹吓得要命。She started to be affected by the ghostly presence she could feel in the house.她感到屋子里有鬼魂存在,并开始受其影响。He said he would come back to haunt her.他说他会变成鬼魂回来纠缠她。The phantom used to appear unexpectedly.那个鬼魂过去常常出人意料地出现。She believes that ghosts really do exist.她相信鬼魂真的存在。Perhaps they think I'm a ghost, unreal, a hallucination, a trick of drugs or the night.也许他们认为我是个虚幻的鬼魂,是个幻象,是药物或黑夜引起的幻觉。The medium promises that tonight I shall have a visitation.巫师保证说今晚我可见鬼魂显灵。Their ghosts come back to haunt people.他们的鬼魂会回来骚扰人。The ghost resolved itself into a tree.鬼魂把自己变成了一棵树。The film was dreadful - all spooks and vampires.那部电影很可怕——全是些鬼魂和吸血鬼。Ghosts are fabled to appear at night.据说鬼魂在夜间出现。Some people believe that the ghost of an old sea captain haunts the beach.有些人认为老船长的鬼魂经常在海滩出没。Owls were believed to be restless spirits who had returned to earth.猫头鹰曾被认为是重返阳间、不得安息的鬼魂The church is haunted by the ghost of a young man who was killed there on his wedding day.教堂里闹鬼,那是一个年轻人的鬼魂,他在婚礼那天被人杀了。




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