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词汇 trade in
例句 He is an expert on trade in that area.他是那个地区的贸易专家。They already dominated the domestic trade in raw jute.他们已经主宰了国内的黄麻原麻生意。The authors emphasized the role of the slave trade in the economic development of the New World.作者们强调了奴隶贸易对新大陆经济发展所起的作用。She traded in her old Ford for a new Honda.她把自己的老福特折价换购了一辆新本田。The prime minister aired some ideas about pepping up trade in the region.首相公开表达了一些振兴该地区贸易的想法。The city was a center for trade in biblical times. 这座城市在圣经时代曾是一个贸易中心。They traded in their Porsche for a family car.他们用保时捷换购了一辆家庭轿车。The Forsyth Report recommended stricter supervision of the trade in live animals.福赛思报告建议要加强对活畜交易的监督。The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.调查发现了大规模非法交易野生鸟类的证据。He built up a trade in seeds, corn and manure.他逐步发展了经营种子、谷物和肥料的业务。She mostly trades in stocks.她主要从事股票买卖。The company is plying for trade in America.公司正在美国拓展生意。When the new resort was built, the tourist trade in smaller hotels withered on the vine.随着新度假地的建成,小型旅馆的游客数量大幅萎缩。Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras.理查德拒绝拿他的旧佳能相机折价换新。We must take action to stop this illegal trade in ivory.我们必须采取措施,阻止这种非法的象牙交易。There's a lucrative trade in tea and porcelain.茶叶和瓷器生意利润丰厚。The stallholders were doing a roaring trade in burgers.摊贩们的汉堡包生意非常兴旺。Britain has been pushing for the liberalization of international trade in services.英国一直致力于推动服务领域的国际贸易自由化。She traded in her old refrigerator for a new one.她以旧冰箱折价添钱买了一台新冰箱。Continental airlines ply for trade in the UK.美国大陆航空公司希望在英国开展业务。The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish.野生动物制品的非法交易仍旧猖獗。There is still an illegal but lucrative trade in ivory between Africa and South-East Asia.在非洲和东南亚之间,仍有人进行着非法但利润丰厚的象牙贸易。We did a roaring trade in ice creams last week.上星期我们的冰淇淋卖得非常火。Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs.商贩们兜售纪念品的买卖很红火。The size of the drugs haul shows that the international trade in heroin is still flourishing.本次查获的毒品量表明,海洛因在国际上的交易仍很猖獗。Global trade in manufactured goods has increased dramatically.全球制造业贸易增长迅猛。Isabella's father carried on a trade in silks.伊莎贝拉的父亲经营丝绸业。The company openly traded in arms.这家公司公然进行武器交易。The scheme allows customers to trade in their own computer against the cost of a new one.这一方案让顾客用原有的电脑冲抵一部分购买新电脑的费用。He trades in silk.他经营丝绸贸易。The trade in exotic birds is barbarous.买卖珍奇鸟类是很残忍的。The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.这项协议保留了我们限制濒危物种贸易的权利。Young men and women can learn a trade in the military.军队里的青年男女可以学一门手艺。The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish.动物产品的非法贸易依然猖獗。The shops outside the station were doing a roaring trade in umbrellas.车站外面的店铺雨伞生意很兴隆。The government is determined to halt the trade in illegal animal furs.政府决心停止非法的动物毛皮交易。They were born into poverty and learned their trade in the back alleys of Naples, New York, or Chicago.他们出身贫穷,在那不勒斯、纽约及芝加哥的陋巷中学到了自己的手艺。He was almost single-handedly responsible for the flourishing drug trade in the town.镇上猖獗的毒品交易几乎都是他一手造成的。This trade in foreign currency is perfectly legal.这宗外汇交易完全合法。All around the pyramids, salespeople were doing a roaring trade in souvenirs.在金字塔周围,商贩们红红火火地做着纪念品生意。




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