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词汇 to agree
例句 Jack was being perverse and refusing to agree with anything we said.杰克一意孤行,我们说什么他都反对。He gives the air too freely to opinions he doesn't happen to agree with.他往往轻率地拒不接受与自己不同的意见。Each entrant had to agree to the contest rules.每个参赛者都必须遵循比赛规则。He may have put pressure on her to agree.他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她同意。He led me a merry chase before I finally got him to agree to a meeting.他让我颇费了一番周折,最后我才说服他同意见面。He's never going to agree to that. Be realistic!他绝不会同意那事。你实际点吧!Trying to get the divorced couple to agree calls for a great deal of diplomacy.要使这对离婚夫妇达成一致需要处事极为圆通。The implication was that he expected us to agree.弦外之音是他期望我们同意。You won't get Kieran to agree - not in a million years!你不可能说服基兰同意的一—永远也不可能!Privately, Harriet had to agree.哈丽雅特私下里不得不同意。However did you manage to get him to agree to that?你究竟是怎样设法让他同意的?We are in no sense obliged to agree to this.我们绝不是非得同意这件事。His reluctance to agree is understandable.他不愿同意是可以理解的。I'm inclined to agree with you.我倾向于赞同你。They used the threat of strike action as a lever to get the employers to agree to their demands.他们威胁要罢工,试图以此迫使雇主答应他们的要求。Getting Dad to agree will be the hard part.让爸爸同意会是很难的。The union had to agree to certain givebacks in order to save the jobs of all its members.为确保其所有成员继续就业,工会不得不同意将部分福利归还企业。I am inclined to agree with you.我同意你的看法。The management is understood to be very unwilling to agree to this request.据了解,管理层很不乐意答应这项要求。He was a dummy to agree.他竟会同意,真是笨蛋。At first glance, it would be tempting to agree.乍一看,会让人很想同意。A sound argument induces people to agree.言之成理的论点会说服人们同意。She nodded to agree with me.她点头同意了我的意见。A constitutional convention was elected to try to agree on a new form of government.选举产生了制宪会议,以努力就新的政体达成一致。The two managed to agree fairly well during the first month.在第一个月里两人尚能和好相处。He's a tough nut, but I think I can get him to agree to the contract.他是个难对付的人,不过我想我能说服他同意这份合同。It was plain that Giles was not going to agree.显然贾尔斯是不会同意的。You and I are going to have to agree to disagree, then.那么,你和我将不得不同意各自保留不同意见了。What on earth had possessed her to agree to marry him?究竟是什么让她同意嫁给他的?Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement.使双方达成共识是一项显著的成就。The workers walked out last month after a failure to agree terms.因未能就某些条款达成一致,工人上个月举行了罢工。I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.我不得不温和地劝了她一会儿她才同意。It took a lot of persuasion to get Dad to agree to the idea.劝说了老半天,爸爸才同意那个主意。Mr Johnson thinks it's too risky, and I tend to agree with him.约翰逊先生认为这太冒险了,我也倾向于他的看法。He canoodled her to agree to his request.他用各种爱抚的手段要她答应他的请求。He said all that remained was to agree to a time and venue.他说剩下的只是商定一个时间和集会地点。The two countries are to try to agree a timetable for formal talks.两国正试图商定正式会谈的时间表。Although not compelled, he felt impelled to agree to the terms.虽然没人逼他,他觉得非同意这些条款不可。Parents and teachers need to agree on goals for students, and hold them to it.家长和老师需要在学生的目标上达成一致,并要求他们做到。Selina and I are very well-suited to each other. We seem to agree about most things.赛利娜和我很般配,我们好像在大多数事情上都很一致。




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