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词汇 to afford
例句 If prices shoot up any higher, no-one will be able to afford to live in the area.如果价格继续升高,这一地区就没人住得起了。How she was able to afford the trip is beyond me.我搞不懂她怎么能付得起这次出行的费用。At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday.照这种情形看来,我们就无法度假了。John was unable to afford the house.约翰买不起这房子。I never dreamed that I would be able to afford a home here.我从没想到我在这儿能买得起房子。The old car was on its last legs, and Renee knew she wouldn't be able to afford a new one.那辆旧车快要报废了,勒妮知道她买不起新车。Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items.很多家庭陷入困境,连基本生活用品都买不起。Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in these tough times.在这样艰难的时期,能够有钱买杯酒就是种慰藉了。You have to be rich to afford anything in this shop.你必须很有钱才买得起这家店里的东西。Despite rapidly rising incomes, few in the country are able to afford cable TV.尽管收入增长很快,国内还是很少有人负担得起有线电视。Many families on low incomes will be unable to afford to buy their own home.许多低收入家庭将会买不起自己的房子。Perhaps next year more of us will be able to afford holidays abroad.也许到明年我们中会有更多的人有钱出国度假了。At this rate we won't ever be able to afford a holiday.照这种情形看,我们永远也不会有钱去度假。They got two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they'd never have been able to afford to go.他们得到两张去加拿大的免费机票,不然的话他们绝不可能花得起这笔钱的。I was unable to afford the trip.我负担不起这次旅行费用。By saving hard, he was able to afford a holiday.通过努力存钱,他终于有足够的钱度假了。He is not rich enough to afford a car.他并不太富有,无力购置汽车。Few people are able to afford cars like that.很少有人买得起那样的车。If we budget carefully we should be able to afford a new car.如果我们精打细算,应该能买得起一辆新车。The journey would impose extra expense on those least able to afford it.这次旅行会给那些最负担不起的人增加额外的开支。If we budget carefully, we'll be able to afford a new house.如果我们精打细算就能买一座新房子了。They weren't able to afford a vacation. 他们负担不起度假的费用There is concern that twenty years from now, the average American won't be able to afford to send his or her children to college.有人担心,二十年以后,普通的美国人可能会没有能力送自己的子女上大学。The economy was too sick to afford the increase in the nation's wage bill.经济很不景气,负担不了国家的工资总额增长。It would be nice to be able to afford to retire earlier.无后顾之忧而能提早退休当是件幸事。The people who are least able to afford healthcare are often the ones who need it most.最没有能力支付医疗保健费用的人,往往又是最有需要的人。There is a real danger that some people will no longer be able to afford insurance.一些人很可能再也负担不起保险了。We were too poor to afford a doctor.我们太穷了,看不起病。He'll be able to afford a house next year.明年他就能买得起房了。




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