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词汇 to alarm
例句 I didn't mean to alarm you.我并非有意吓你。I don't want to alarm you, but I can't find the key.我不想吓你,但我找不到钥匙了。I didn't want to alarm him by telling him that she was ill.我不想让他担心,没有告诉他她生病的事。We don't wish to alarm people unnecessarily, but it would be wise to avoid drinking the tap water here.我们不是有意要吓人,不过最好不要喝这里的自来水。His remarks, intended to calm the crisis, only served to alarm the already outraged Black community.他的话原本是为了平息危机,结果反而在本已愤愤不平的黑人社区中造成了恐慌。At first we spoke in hushed voices and crept about in order not to alarm them.为了不惊动他们,起初我们低声讲话,走路也蹑手蹑脚的。I don't want to alarm you but I think there is a serious problem.我不想吓唬你,但我认为有个很严重的问题。




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