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词汇 to welcome
例句 Thousands of people took to the streets to welcome back their hero.成千上万的人涌上街头欢迎他们的英雄归来。Several hundred fans pitched up at the hotel to welcome the team.几百名粉丝在酒店外面迎接球队的到来。They clapped their hands to welcome him.他们鼓掌欢迎他。He came forward to welcome her with empressement.他热情地走上前去欢迎她。Councillor Paul Tisley will be in attendance at the start of the meeting to welcome us.议员保罗·提斯里将在会议开始时出席,以欢迎我们。Ontario's cultural mosaic is waiting to welcome you.安大略的多元文化正等待着欢迎您的到来。He came to the door to welcome me with a handshake.他来到门口跟我握手表示欢迎。Herr Schulmann cannot be here to welcome you and has asked me to deputize.赫尔·舒尔曼无法亲自来迎接您,所以特请我作为代表。He flung out his arms to welcome her.他伸出双臂欢迎她。The Senate stood to welcome the new President.参议院全体起立欢迎新总统。The university threw a party to welcome them.大学举办联欢会欢迎他们。Crowds of peopl lined the streets to welcome their hero.成群的人们排列街头,欢迎他们的英雄。There were a thousand or more fans at the airport to welcome the band.有一千多名歌迷在机场迎接该乐队。I'd like to welcome a new member of staff.我要对一名新员工表示欢迎。It gives me great pleasure to welcome our next guest.我非常荣幸地请出我们的下一位来宾。It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake.习惯上大家都握手迎接客人。People hung out of windows to welcome her home.人们探出窗外欢迎她回家。It's my job to welcome visitors.接待参观者是我的职责。Thousands of people turned out to welcome the team home.成千上万的人到场欢迎队伍归国。Let's all make a special effort to welcome the visitors.我们都来为欢迎参观者做更大的努力吧。His former colleagues would be glad to welcome him back into the fold.他以前的同事会高兴地欢迎他归队。They all held out their hands to welcome me.他们全都伸出双手欢迎我。Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to welcome you here tonight.女士们先生们,欢迎今晚来临,我感到非常高兴。The battalion went on parade to welcome the new commander-in-chief.该营列队集合欢迎新的总司令。We are delighted to welcome you to our company.非常欢迎你到我们公司来。She was there to welcome him home from war.她在那儿迎接他从战场归来。Let's string up a banner at the front of the house to welcome him home.我们在房子前面挂上横幅欢迎他回家吧。Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you all here today.女士们先生们,欢迎各位大驾光临。Texans tend to welcome newcomers and go out of their way to be friendly.得克萨斯人总是热情接待新来的人,特意表示友好。It seems the whole country is getting ready to welcome the visiting president.似乎整个国家都在为欢迎来访的总统作准备。She walked with grave composure to the top step and stood to welcome us.她庄重沉着地走到最高的台阶上站着欢迎我们。The whole family turned out to welcome him back.全家人都出来迎接他归来。They're sure to welcome you with open arms.他们一定会张开双臂热烈欢迎你。It gives me enormous pleasure to welcome my next guest.我非常荣幸地欢迎下一位嘉宾。The club has a dinner to welcome new arrivals to the town.俱乐部举行宴会欢迎新到镇里的人。He flung out his arms to welcome her.他一下张开双臂欢迎她。He bounced into the room to welcome his guests.他兴奋地冲进房间欢迎客人们。Young children tend to welcome some form of routine.小孩子们倾向于接受某种常规的形式。He stood by the door to welcome the guests, bowing formally to each one in turn.他站在门口迎接客人,一板一眼地逐一向来宾鞠躬。First of all, I want to welcome our guest speaker.首先,我想欢迎我们的演讲嘉宾。




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