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词汇 to turn over
例句 Parliamentarians were eager to turn over responsibility for the decision.经验老到的议员急于把作决策的责任推卸给他人。The turbulence caused the plane to turn over.湍流导致飞机翻身。After being released from jail, Tony decided to turn over a new leaf.从狱中获释后,托尼就决心重新做人。I have been very lazy but I am going to turn over a new leaf and work hard.我一向很懒,但我将改过自新,努力工作。I decided to turn over a new leaf and stop worrying so much.我决定以一种全新的方式生活,不再患得患失。She plans to turn over the land to growing wheat and barley.她计划改造这块土地用于种小麦和大麦。The program helps drug addicts to turn over a new leaf when they get out of jail.这项计划帮助吸毒成瘾者出狱后重新做人。He has been very lazy but he is going to turn over a new leaf and work hard.他以前一直很懒,但他将改过自新,努力工作。The firm has decided to turn over to the making of plastics.这家商号已决定转而生产塑料制品。No battery could store enough energy to turn over a car's engine.任何电池都无法储存足以启动汽车引擎的能量。He realized he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf.他认识到自己错了,承诺要改过自新。The government is refusing to turn over the documents to the UN inspection team.该政府拒绝向联合国检查小组交出文件。Albert agreed to turn over samples of his hair and bodily fluids to the court.艾伯特同意把自己的头发及体液样本交给法庭。A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn over.重量突然转移使船翻了。I don't suppose you thought to turn over the tape, did you?.我认为你并没想过要把磁带换一面,是吗?I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf.我把当父亲看作是翻开生命新一页的一个机会。He had refused to turn over funds that had belonged to Potter.他已拒绝交出本属于波特的资金。When Phil came out of prison, he decided to turn over a new leaf.菲尔出狱后,决定改过自新。




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