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词汇 to rattle
例句 He hasn't two sixpences to rattle together.他囊空如洗,身无分文。The taunts were intended to rattle his cage and maybe make him do something that would get him sent off.这番冷嘲热讽是为了激怒他,没准能让他做出什么举动,好把他解雇。The creaking upstairs was starting to rattle me.楼上发出的吱嘎声使我开始紧张不安起来。His job required him to rattle off a workable script in about three days.他的工作要求三天左右完成一篇可用的初稿。It is no use teaching the pupils to rattle off the ancient poems which they do not understand at all.教学生背诵他们一点不懂的古诗是徒劳无益的。Don't worry about what he said. He was just trying to rattle your cage.他说什么你别往心里去。他就是想惹恼你。If he's trying to rattle your cage, it's working.如果他存心要让你不得安宁的话,那他是得逞了。I'm going to rattle through my work today so that I can go home early.我今天要尽快做完我的工作好早点回家。




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