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词汇 to look at
例句 We are prepared to look at any reasonable proposition from the council.委员会的提议只要合理,我们都会加以考虑。The restaurant isn't much to look at, but the food is good.这个饭馆看着一般,但饭菜做得好。The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score.这部电影画面迷人,配乐悦耳动听。My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.专业训练使我懂得看待事物时要讲求逻辑。She tried not to look at the scarred, disfigured face.她尽量不去看那张带有疤痕的丑陋脸庞。I've marked the pages you need to look at.我在你需要阅读的那几页上作了记号。She opened her eyes and propped herself up on one elbow to look at him.她睁开眼,单肘撑起身子看着他。We have set up a task force to look at the question of women returning to work.我们已经成立了一个工作组去调查妇女复工的问题。Nobody wants to look at the ugliness.谁也不想看这丑陋的东西。I turned over the page to look at the illustrations.我翻过这一页,去看插图。You only have to look at the statistics to see that things are getting worse.你只要看一看统计数据就能知道情况在变糟。This is all well and good, but we have to look at the situation in the long term.这样固然很好,但我们必须从长远的角度来看待这一情形。After his anger had subsided, he was able to look at things rationally.怒气平息后,他能理性地看待事物。Well, I did all my housework this morning, though you wouldn't think it to look at the place now.嗯,今天早上我把家务都做过了,不过你现在去看的话你不会这样认为。This house isn't much to look at.这栋房屋样子不怎么好看。That is a good way to look at the problem.那是看待这个问题的一种好办法。I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.很抱歉,我还没有时间看呢。We need to look at the event within the larger/broader context of world history.我们需要在更广的世界历史背景下审视这一事件。I was in meetings all morning and didn't get a chance to look at your proposal.整个上午我都在开会,没有机会看你的建议。I could not bear to look at her tear-streaked face.我不忍看她那布满泪痕的脸。You only have to look at Turner's later oil paintings to see what a genius he was.你只要看一眼透纳后期的油画,就能看出他多么有天分。The surgeon didn't have the stomach to look at Kelly's face.外科医生不敢看凯莉的脸。Eventually I felt strong enough to look at him.最后我才鼓起勇气向他看去。They have got the doctor in to look at the child.他们请医生来给孩子看病。I've attached the latest spreadsheet for you to look at.我已附上最新的电子数据表给你审阅。She craned forward to look at me.她向前探出身子看着我。You just have to look at family photos from that time to see that there was a lot of sadness and bitterness over my parents’ divorce.你只要看看家里那个时候的照片,就能明白我父母的离婚带来多大的伤心和痛苦。She forced me to look at myself in the cold light of day, and I didn't like what I saw.她迫使我冷静地审视自己,而我厌恶我的所见。He was watching her fixedly, willing her to look at him.他凝视着她,希望她也看他。Roger swivelled his head to look at her.罗杰转头望着她。I don't know if we can afford it. I have to look at the numbers.我不知道我们是否买得起。我得看看价钱。For a moment she continued to look at him resentfully.她怨恨地看了他一会儿。You should get the doctor to look at that cut.你应该找医生检查一下那伤口。They sat in silence, unable to look at each other.他们静静地坐着,谁也看不到对方。You need to look at your website through the user's eyes.你应该从用户的角度来看自己的网站。We're going to have a plumber in to look at the furnace.我们要请管道工来家里检修暖气炉。A low-power telescope is enough if you only want to look at the moon.只观看月相用低倍望远镜就足够了。The meeting wants to look at the proposal again.与会者想再次讨论这一提案。She sat on the banquette because she likes to look at everyone in the restaurant.她坐在靠墙的长条软座上,因为她喜欢看着餐馆里的顾客。She tilted her head back to look at him.她仰起头来看他。




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