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词汇 公认
例句 They acknowledge him as their leader. = They acknowledge him to be their leader.他们公认他是他们的领袖。He is widely acknowledged as an excellent goalkeeper.他是一名公认的优秀守门员。He is acknowledged in media circles as being acutely intelligent.他是媒体公认的头脑敏锐者。He became the uncrowned king of British car racing.他成为公认的英国最佳赛车手。He was known as the prince of sculptors.他是公认的雕刻名家。She challenged the received view of Muslims.她质疑对穆斯林公认的看法。Unchallenged wisdoms flow swiftly among the middle classes.公认的至理名言在中产阶级中迅速传播开来。Hitchcock was an acknowledged master of suspense.希区柯克是公认的悬疑大师。It is said that Chinese poetry reached its apotheosis in the Tang Dynasty.中国诗歌公认在唐朝达到了一个光辉的顶峰。The current orthodoxy is child-centred, not teacher-centred, learning.当前公认的学习方法是以孩子为中心,而不是以教师为中心。He is perceived as one of the best players in baseball.他是公认的最好的棒球选手之一。The new prime minister is generally acknowledged as a farsighted statesman.新首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。There is enormous, acknowledged, and untapped potential in the Indian stock markets.印度的股票市场蕴含着公认的、尚未挖掘出来的巨大潜力。Before you disregard his advice, keep/bear in mind that he is regarded as one of the leading experts in this field.你先别急着搁置他的建议,要知道他可是公认的该领域的权威专家之一。He is an admitted master at crookery.他是公认的恶行大师。She's now widely recognized as an artist of genius.她现在是公认的天才艺术家。The RSA course in teaching is a recognized professional qualification.皇家艺术学会的教师培训课程是公认的专业资历。The accepted wisdom is that public services are best run by governments.公认的看法是公共服务由政府管理是最好的。Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。He is the undisputed king of talk shows.他是公认的脱口秀大王。This portrait is the work of an acknowledged master.这幅肖像画是一位公认的大师的作品。We engaged the services of a recognised engineer.我们雇用了一个公认的杰出工程师。Corruption was an accepted part of the political culture.腐败是政治文化中公认的一部分。The whole approach is based on unquestioned assumptions.整个方法都建立在公认的假设的基础上。He was generally regarded as a hero.他是公认的英雄。There are recognised black spots in marriages which can lead to trouble.婚姻中有一些公认的容易引发问题的雷区。Professor Jones is a recognized authority on ancient Egypt.琼斯教授是公认的古埃及研究的权威人士。Ours is not the best university in the world, agreed.咱们的学校自然不是世上最好的大学,这是公认的事实。He's known as a comic actor, but he's spreading his wings and trying a serious role in his new movie.他是个公认的喜剧演员,现在开始多方面施展才能,在一部新电影中尝试一个严肃的角色。He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts.他不得不阅读一系列公认的经典文学作品。There is no generally accepted explanation of this practice.对这一习惯做法没有公认的解释。He's universally recognized as an authority on Russian affairs.他是世界公认的俄罗斯事务专家。Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine.精神病学是公认的医学分支。We want to engage recognized leaders in discussion.我们想和公认的领袖们进行讨论。Revisionist historians have questioned the accepted version of events.修正主义历史学家对这些事件公认的说法提出了质疑。Arthur Schopenhauer, known as the `philosopher of pessimism'.亚瑟·叔本华,公认的悲观主义哲学家。Detroit was considered the armpit of America in the 1970s.在七十年代底特律是公认全美最龌龊的地方。She is known as a great beauty.她是公认的大美人。Violence in schools is a recognized problem.校园暴力是个公认的问题。His reputation was founded on his organizational abilities and his acknowledged brilliance as a leader of men.他的名声基于他的组织能力以及他那公认的卓越领导才华。




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