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词汇 to lock
例句 I translated this as a mad desire to lock up every single person with HIV.我把这点理解为想把每个艾滋病病毒携带者都关起来的疯狂欲望。Don't forget to lock the garage door.别忘了把车库的门锁上。They threatened to lock him in jail.他们威胁要把他关进监狱。She took extra care to lock all the doors this time.她这次格外小心,把所有门都锁上了。He took out his keys to lock the door. At that very instant the door flew open and a man ran into the room.他拿出钥匙准备锁门,恰在此时,门突然被撞开,一个男子冲进了房间。Granulating allows the mixture to lock together forming a solid mass.颗粒化使得混合物黏着在一起形成一团固体。Don't forget to lock up the warehouse.别忘了锁上仓库的门。Did you remember to lock the back door?你记得锁后门了吗?Oh, and don't forget to lock the back door.哦,别忘了锁后门。I tried to lock the door, but the lock wouldn't catch.我努力想锁上门,但这锁锁不上。I'll leave it to you to lock the door.我把锁门的事交给你了。I couldn't shake off a niggling worry. Had I forgotten to lock the office door?我无法摆脱这烦人的担心。我是不是忘记锁上办公室的门了?I'd only gone a few steps when I realized I'd forgotten to lock the door.我刚向前走了几步就意识到我忘了锁门。They were separately herded into 2 rooms to lock up.他们分别被集中关押在两个房间里。Repeat the exercise, being careful not to lock your knees. 重复这个练习,注意膝盖别那么僵硬。A certain person, who shall remain nameless, forgot to lock the front door.某个人,这里不便透露他的姓名,忘了锁前门。The last employee to leave the store at night has to lock up.晚上最后一个离店的员工必须把门锁好。Don't forget to lock the car.别忘了把车锁上。He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end and refuse to talk to anyone.他过去常把自己锁在卧室里一呆就是几个小时,不跟任何人说话。Don't forget to lock the door when you go out.出去时别忘了锁门。He reminded her that he would have to lock and bolt the kitchen door after her.他提醒她,在她走后他得把厨房的门上锁并闩上。Some careless idiot forgot to lock the door and the dog got out.有个粗心的笨家伙忘了锁门,狗跑出去了。She forgot to lock her door one day and two men got in.有一天她忘了锁门,两个男人溜了进来。In their eagerness to leave they forgot to lock the door.他们急着离开,忘记锁门了。It was too late now for Blake to lock his room door.这会儿布莱克再锁房门已太晚了。Don't forget to lock up when you leave.你走时别忘了锁门。Mr Milner persuaded the federal prosecutors not to lock up his client.米尔纳先生力劝联邦检察官不要关押他的当事人。I remembered to lock the door.我没有忘记要锁门。In his hurry he forgot to lock up.他匆忙之中忘了锁门。It seems that someone forgot to lock the door.似乎是有人忘记锁门了。I can't get this drawer to lock.我没法把这个抽屉锁上。Mr Hoelt had no right to lock her in.赫尔特先生无权关她。She eventually had to lock herself in the toilets to avoid him.她最后只好把自己锁在厕所里来躲开他。The company has threatened to lock out its factory workers unless they agree to a new contract.公司威胁工人,不同意签订新合同就不让他们进厂工作。It was a time when people didn't have to lock their doors.那个时代人们连门都不用锁。She'd forgotten to lock the door.她忘了锁门。Sell your stocks now to lock in some of the gains of recent months.现在卖出你的股票以锁定这几个月来的收益。He was unable to lock up enough states to win the election.他不能控制足够多的州以赢得这场选举。In my haste I forgot to lock the door.匆忙中我忘了锁门。Management has threatened to lock out the workforce if they do not accept the proposed changes in working methods.管理层威胁说,如果工人不接受改变工作方法的提议就不让他们上班。




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