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词汇 to lessen
例句 There is no way to lessen the pain of losing a loved one.失去所爱之人的痛苦无法缓解。I didn't want to lessen your achievement.我不想贬低你的成绩。We invest broadly to lessen the risk.我们多方投资,以降低风险。Too much background detail tends to lessen the impact of the central image.过多的背景细节会弱化中心图像。Any attempts to lessen his prison sentence will cause public outrage.任何企图给他减刑的行为都将引起公愤。The sick man had recourse to drugs to lessen his pain.病人靠药来减轻痛苦。The noise began to lessen.噪音开始减弱。Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to lessen jet lag.每个人对缓和飞行时差反应都有一套自己认为是最有效的办法。As transportation improves, distances seem to lessen.随着运输的进步,距离似乎缩短了。Several drugs are used to lessen the severity of the symptoms.使用了几种药以减轻症状。He shifted his position a little, in order to lessen the pain in his leg.他稍稍换了一下姿势,以减轻腿的疼痛。The company is trying to lessen the impact of the oil spill on marine life.公司试图减轻漏油事故对海洋生物的影响。Doctors used to let blood from people to lessen a fever.过去医生以放血来降低轻热度。Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness.要确保接种最新的疫苗,以降低患上严重疾病的危险。The passing of time did little to lessen his grief.时间的流逝并未减轻他的悲伤。




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