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词汇 nails
例句 She sat quietly filing her nails.她坐下来静静地锉指甲。My nails are starting to flake.我的指甲开始一点点剥落了。The shellac nail polish is painted instead of glued onto your nails. It has the advantage of not being easy to chip off.虫胶指甲油是涂在而不是贴在你原先的指甲上,它较不容易脱落。The board was held in place/position by a couple of nails.钉了几颗钉子才将这块板固定好。The nails had been pried loose.钉子已经被撬松了。Make sure you hit the nails in true.要确保钉子钉准了。I get my nails done at the beauty salon every other week.我每两个星期去美容院做一次美甲。Her nails were beautifully shaped and polished.她的指甲修剪得很漂亮,擦得亮亮的很好看。Drive in two nails here.在这儿钉两只钉子。I need to cut my nails; they're way too long.我的指甲太长,得剪了。She clawed his left cheek with her long red nails.她用长长的红指甲挠他的左脸。Gritty soil had got under her nails.沙土嵌进了她的指甲。He meant this box for keeping nails in.他把这只盒子用来放钉子。They took up hammers and nails and went to work building the house.他们拿起锤子和钉子开始建房子。Sally spent hours getting ready, plucking her eyebrows and painting her nails.萨莉花了几个小时作准备,又拔眉毛又涂指甲的。The companies are biting their nails at the prospect of a national strike.面对全国性罢工的前景,各家公司都坐立不安。I wish you wouldn't bite your nails.我希望你不要咬指甲。My great-grandfather made horseshoes and nails and what have you.我曾祖父打制马掌、铁钉等诸如此类的东西。I was trying to grow my nails.我那会儿正要把指甲留长。She scratched his face with her nails.她用指甲抓伤了他的脸。They sell screws and nails by volume.他们按体积出售螺丝钉和钉子。I've told you before not to bite your nails.我以前就告诉过你不许咬指甲。She keeps her nails cut short.她总是把指甲剪得短短的。Don't try to drive nails into the bricks, they may shatter.别往砖上钉钉子,砖会碎裂的。She is going to the salon to get her nails buffed.她要去美容院做指甲抛光。She had small hands with nails painted bright red.她的手很小,指甲涂成了鲜红色。I wish I could stop biting my nails.我希望自己能改掉咬指甲的毛病。I grab George's arm and dig my nails into his flesh.我抓住乔治的胳膊,指甲抠进了他的肉里。These nails are too small to hold the case together.这些钉子太小了,不能把箱子钉牢。The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.手指粗糙,关节突出,指甲又长又弯,让人想起动物的爪子。Jonah was sane enough. Hard as nails, very much all there.乔纳头脑相当清醒,不讲情面,又非常机敏。Martin washed the mud off his hands and scrubbed his nails.马丁洗掉手上的泥,然后把指甲刮干净。I hammered down the nails.我用锤子钉钉子。She painted her nails with pink nail polish.她用粉色的指甲油涂了指甲。All you need is a hammer and some nails.你需要的就是一把锤子和一些钉子。He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails.他用木楔子取代钉子制作家具。She gripped his arm so hard that her nails dug in.她使劲抓住他的手臂,把指甲都抠进肉里去了。She examined her bright pink nails, picking at her cuticles.她仔细地查看了自己亮粉色的指甲,不停地扯着死皮。Manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.美甲师修锉指甲的手艺娴熟。Locks, hinges, nails, knives, and tools are hardware.锁、铰链、钉子、刀以及工具都是五金制品。




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