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词汇 toilet
例句 You'll have to get down on all fours to clean behind the toilet.你得趴到地上才能擦洗到马桶后面的区域。There are toilet facilities for the disabled.有残疾人士专用的卫生间设施。Someone's forgotten to flush the toilet.有人忘了冲马桶。He unclogged the drain/sink/toilet.他疏通了下水道/厨房水槽/坐便器。We're getting through a lot of coffee/toilet paper.我们喝掉了很多咖啡/用完了很多卫生纸。I can't get the toilet to flush.我无法让马桶冲水。Guests ran for safety as the device went off in a ground-floor men's toilet.一层男厕所里的炸弹爆炸后,客人们纷纷逃命而去。Mummy! I want to go to the toilet.妈妈,我要上厕所。The bathroom was stocked with expensive toilet articles.洗手间里都是些昂贵的卫浴用品。The toilet was full to the brim with insects.厕所里爬满了虫子。He flushed the letter down the toilet.他把信扔进抽水马桶冲掉了。Tyra Banks wore a bikini made out of toilet paper.泰拉·班克斯穿着用卫生纸做的比基尼装。Just as we're leaving, right on cue, the kids say they need the toilet.不早不晚,就在我们要离开之时,孩子们说他们要上厕所。If the toilet won't flush, just jiggle the handle a little.如果马桶不冲水,就轻轻摇一下把手。These new eco-friendly homes recycle waste water in toilet cisterns.这些新型环保住宅利用废水冲厕所。When my dad was growing up, they only had an outside toilet.我爸爸小时候,他们只有一个室外厕所。The original kitchen was sandwiched between the breakfast room and the toilet.厨房最初夹在早餐厅和厕所之间。We could hear the flush of a toilet somewhere in the building.我们能听到楼里某处冲洗马桶的声音。Brian was bent over the toilet heaving up his lunch.布赖恩在马桶前弓着身子,把中饭吃的东西吐了出来。The toilet was bunged up with paper.马桶被卫生纸堵住了。Sir, may I go to the toilet?老师,我可以去洗手间吗?When the toilet is engaged, a red light shows above the door.厕所有人在用时,门上方的红灯会亮起。She heard the toilet flush.她听到马桶冲水的声音。He was found trying to flush banknotes down the toilet.他试图把钞票从马桶里冲走时被发现。The toilet flushes automatically.这个马桶是自动冲洗的。He heard the flush of a toilet.他听到了马桶冲水的声音。The downstairs toilet is smaller than the upstairs one.楼下的厕所比楼上的小。Jane made a toilet before going to the party.珍在动身去参加聚会前梳妆打扮了一番。After the drug scandal, his career went down the toilet.经过这次毒品丑闻,他的职业生涯算是毁了。He pointed to the stinking hole that we were to use as a toilet.他指着一个臭臭的坑,我们得用它当厕所。Disinfect the toilet regularly using bleach.定期用漂白剂给抽水马桶消毒。I need to go to the toilet.我要去一下厕所。Good, a man who was most particular about his appearance, set about his toilet.古德,一个非常讲究自己外表的男子,开始梳洗打扮。We're planning to toilet train him next summer.我们正计划明年夏天对他进行大小便训练。There are some things we simply won't stoop to, such as dusting and cleaning the toilet.有些事情我们就是不会屈尊去做,比如掸尘和清扫厕所。Police suspect that the drugs were flushed down the toilet.警方怀疑毒品被扔进马桶冲走了。Can I go to the toilet, Miss?我能去厕所吗,老师?Put disinfectant down the toilet to kill any germs.在抽水马桶里放消毒剂杀杀菌。They had no bathroom, so a hole in the ground served as a toilet.他们没有卫生间,所以地上的一个洞就用作厕所了。There are plans to improve toilet facilities at the station.有改进车站卫生设施的计划。




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