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词汇 to give
例句 I made a New Year's resolution to give up smoking.我决心在新的一年把烟戒掉。I'm going to give the toys a good wipe.我要把这些玩具好好擦一擦。The entrance has been widened to give improved access for disabled people.入口已加宽了,方便残疾人士进去。Husbands and wives cannot be forced to give evidence against each other.配偶不能被迫作出于对方不利的证词。Though she has repeatedly failed to capture the world record, she refuses to give up the chase. 尽管多次挑战世界纪录未能成功,但她不肯放弃努力。She was hoping she would not have to give evidence in court.她但愿自己不必出庭作证。We would be grateful for any donation that you are prepared to give.如果你们愿意解囊相助,我们将非常感激。My mother has some bits and pieces to give you.我妈妈有些小东西要给你。Find out more about ways to give money to cancer research.了解更多为癌症研究捐款的方法。Karen was forced to give up her job to look after her daughter, and the family is now heavily in debt.为了照顾女儿,卡伦不得不放弃工作,现在他们家已是负债累累。What was it that finally decided you to give up your plan?是什么最后使你决定放弃你的计划的? The meeting will be an opportunity for everyone to give vent to their feelings.这次会议将给每个人一吐为快的机会。An overall theme will help to give your essay coherence.一个总主题将有助于使文章连贯紧凑。Ask your bank to give you some advice about special student packages.关于给学生的一整套特别服务,去问问银行,叫他们给你提供一些建议。Pedro stopped to give me a lift.佩德罗停下来让我搭便车。All parents want to give their kids a head start in life.所有家长都希望让自己的孩子在人生道路上抢占先机。They suggested it was time to give him another try.他们建议是时候再让他试一次了。We aim to give every student the opportunity to excel.我们的目的在于给每位学生提供一个显露身手的机会。You'll need to give your shoes a good polish.你有必要把鞋好好擦一下。It seems fair to give them a second chance.再给他们一次机会似乎是应该的。She was unable to give informed consent because of a mental condition.因为有精神疾病,她不能作出知情同意。Her encouragement helped to give me back my self-confidence. 她的鼓励帮助我找回了自信。Neither side is prepared to give an inch in the negotiations.谈判中双方都无意作丝毫让步。It's very difficult to give a reliable estimate.要给出可靠的估计非常困难。Some of the prisoners started a fight as a diversion to give the others time to escape.几个囚犯打起架来以转移注意力,使其他囚犯有时间逃跑。His letter went on to give reasons for his refusal to take part.他的信接着讲了他拒绝参加的原因。He was compelled by illness to give up his studies.他因病被迫放弃学业。We did our best to repair the engine, but in the end we had to give it up as impossible.我们尽了最大努力维修这台发动机,可最后还是因为修不好而放弃了。Our major concern is how to give everyone a fair chance.我们更关注的是如何给每个人一个公平的机会。The policy of the school is to give preference to minority candidates.这所学校的政策是给予少数民族申请者优先权。We don't have enough information even to give a best guess.因为没有足够的信息我们甚至无法猜测最有可能的情况。The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly atmosphere.新店主试图给这家饭店营造一种有利于举家进餐的友好气氛。Take a break to give yourself time to recharge.休息一下,给自己一点时间恢复体力。It had been widely and erroneously reported that Armstrong had refused to give evidence.大量失实的报道称阿姆斯特朗拒绝提供证据。It is an uphill task to give up alcohol.戒酒是一项非常艰巨的任务。We aim to give children a sense of continuity.我们的目的是给孩子一种持续感。The company finally agreed to give the women their old jobs back.公司终于同意让那些妇女复工。The room was double-booked so they had to give us a different one.这个房间被重复预订,他们必须给我们另找一个房间。Many people were forced to give up working the land.许多人被迫放弃种地。People are forced to give unquestioned obedience to authority.人们被迫绝对服从权威。




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