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例句 I have not yet footnoted my dissertation.我还没有给我的论文加上脚注。They haven't yet met the requirements for entry. 他们还没有达到参赛的要求。Has your sister's baby arrived yet?你姐姐的孩子出生了吗?To be fair, the team is young and not yet settled.说句公道话,这个队还年轻,还没有成型。I'm leaving next month to start another job, but don't tell anyone just yet.下个月我要离开去做另一份工作,但现在别告诉任何人。The restructuring has yet to bear fruit.重组还未有成效。I've never read it nor yet intend to.我从来没有读过这东西,而且也不打算读。I haven't yet drawn up vacation plans.我尚未订出假期计划。The athletic footwear market has not yet plateaued.运动鞋市场还未达到饱和。There are signs of a slowing down, but that hasn't really fed through yet.虽然有放缓的迹象,但影响还未真正显现出来。As yet no evidence has been found to suggest that this death was homicide.目前尚未找到证据说明该死亡事件是蓄意杀人。They have not yet developed any cool about themselves.他们尚未建立起自信。I may be senescent, but I'm not yet senile.我可能有点显老了,但还没有到老态龙钟的地步。The sun was streaming in through the window, yet it did nothing to lighten his mood.阳光透过窗户照进来,但是却一点儿也没有让他愉快起来。People's jobs matter, yet you're talking airily of closing our company.工作对人们来说很重要,而你却满不在乎地说要关闭我们公司。Don't count out our team just yet. They could still win.不要现在就断定我们队输。他们还有可能赢。I have yet to meet the manager.我还得见一见经理。Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions.亲爱的考克斯夫人,关于房屋保险一事,我们的文件显示尚未收到您的续保通知。Full extension has not yet returned to the broken finger.骨折的手指尚未恢复完全伸直的能力。The full-back produced yet another faultless display.那个后卫又一次表现得无可挑剔。Have you done your physics homework yet?你做完物理作业了吗?We've emailed him asking him if he's free on that date but we haven't had an answer yet.我们已经发去邮件问他那天是否有空,但还没有收到回信。She had not yet figured out what she was going to do.她还没有决定要干什么。With respect to your request, I am not yet able to agree.至于你的要求,我还不能同意。The minister suffered yet another torrid day of criticism.在不绝于耳的批评声中,这位部长又挨过了难熬的一天。Neither of my friends has come yet.我的两个朋友都还没来。Our teacher hasn't finished correcting our tests yet.我们老师还没有批改完我们的试卷。Have the police got the man who did it yet?警察已经抓到做这事的人了吗?Have those files turned up yet?那些文件找到了吗?No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.还没有任何组织宣称对炸弹袭击事件负责。In all probability, the final upturn in their fortunes is some months away yet.很可能再过数月他们才会转运。The exact location of the factory has yet to be decided.该工厂的确切位置尚未确定下来。Have you done your piano exercises yet?你练过钢琴了吗?The phone bill hasn't come yet.电话费账单还没寄到。He gave his clearest indication yet that he will keep racing.他迄今为止最明确地表示自己会继续竞赛。Wait a bit longer – Bill hasn't pitched up yet.再等一等,比尔还没到呢。There are calls for his resignation, but there is no sign yet that he will comply.有人呼吁他辞职,但还没有任何迹象显示他会答应。I don't need to go just yet.我没必要现在就走。Have you had all your shots for your expedition yet?为外出考察而要打的预防针你都打完了吗?I haven't unpacked my clothes yet.我还没有开箱拿出自己的衣服。




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