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词汇 Yesterday
例句 Yesterday I was several hundred to the velvet.昨天我净赚了好几百。Yesterday the village was quite unknown, but today it's on the front page of all the newspapers.昨天这个村庄还是寂寂无名的,可今天它却登上了所有报纸的头版。Yesterday, as had been expected, the government announced its intention to launch a public enquiry.不出所料,昨天政府宣布准备进行公开调查。Yesterday we saw a film starring Charlie Chaplin.昨天我们看了一部查理‧卓别林主演的电影。Yesterday she announced that she is quitting her job.昨天她宣布打算辞职。Yesterday new details emerged about the ambassador's dismissal.昨天爆出了大使被免职的新细节。Yesterday's game saw him back on form.在昨天的比赛中他又恢复到以前的良好状态。Yesterday's weather forecast was a little wide of the mark, then.昨天的天气预报有点不准。Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.昨天对面的田里播种了玉米。Yesterday was my birthday.昨天是我的生日。Yesterday union executives met with their opposite numbers in industry.昨天,工会的执行委员和产业中资方的对等人物开会。Yesterday the confrere joined.昨天该会员才加入。Yesterday's letter contains a detailed account of the decisions.昨天的那封信里有对这些决议的详细说明。Yesterday's meeting was a dead loss - nothing was decided.昨天的会白开了——什么都没有决定下来。Yesterday was a rather hot day.昨天天气相当热。Yesterday it was a brickbat, but today it was a bouquet for Christopher Hansford.克里斯托弗·汉斯福德昨天被人骂,今天却又被人捧。Yesterday was a red-letter day for the graduating class.昨天是毕业班的重要喜庆日。Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common.昨天警方的潜水员用拖网探查了一个公地小池塘的池底。Yesterday, he named his cabinet and took a big gamble in the process.昨天他冒了很大的风险任命了内阁成员。Yesterday I went to see him, only to learn that he had gone abroad two days before.昨天我去看他,不料听人说他两天前已出国去了。Yesterday the president laid out his economic agenda.昨天总统阐明了他的经济纲领。Yesterday we were hosts to a few friends.昨天我们接待了几位朋友。Yesterday, police used tear gas against demonstrators who had set up barricades.昨天,警方对已筑起街垒的示威者动用了催泪瓦斯。Yesterday I ignored an old woman who asked me for money in the street, and it's been on my conscience ever since.昨天我没理会在街上向我讨钱的那个老妇人,但随后一直觉得良心不安。Yesterday she gave the child the stick.昨天她把孩子打了一顿。Yesterday's earthquakes dealt the city a one-two punch.昨天,地震连续两次袭击了这座城市。Yesterday in the semi-final we saw Sampras versus Henman.昨天的半决赛中我们看了桑普拉斯对享曼的比赛。Yesterday he went off to buy himself a brand-new car.昨天他去给自己买了一辆崭新的小汽车。Yesterday's vote itself was a retreat from an earlier fallback position.昨天的投票本身就是放弃先前所留退路的做法。Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Monday's collapse.周一股票下跌,昨天早上好像又回升了。Yesterday, however, his views seemed scarcely relevant.然而,昨天他的观点似乎毫无关联。Yesterday we revealed how EastEnders was to sweep the board at the awards.我们昨天就透露过《东伦敦人》将如何横扫颁奖典礼上的众多奖项。Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement.昨天的作供是在激烈但文明地表达分歧的氛围中开始的。Yesterday, her future seemed assured.昨天,她的未来似乎已经在握。Yesterday marked the climax of the celebrations.昨天标志着庆祝活动达到了高潮。Yesterday, we went to the zoo.昨天我们去了动物园。Yesterday it was reported that a number of people had been arrested in the capital.据报道,昨天多人在首都被捕。Yesterday saw the resignation of the acting Interior Minister.昨天代理内政部长辞职了。Yesterday saw hand-to-hand combat in the city.昨天该市发生了肉搏战。Yesterday management and unions agreed a pay deal.昨天资方和工会就工资问题达成了协议。




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