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词汇 to cross
例句 The boys were scared to cross the street.这些男孩害怕过马路。Boats crammed with hot and angry holidaymakers, some of whom had waited for up to two days to cross.船上满是情绪激动、怒气冲冲的度假者,有些人等船渡河已经等了两天了。No one tried to cross the picket lines.没人试图穿过纠察线。I hope to cross paths with him again some day.我希望有朝一日与他再度相逢。She watched her moment to cross the road.她等待着穿越马路的时机。They didn't want to be the first ones to cross the colour line.他们不想成为率先跨越种族界限的人。I can't swim. None the less, I'll try to cross the river.我不会游泳,可我还是要试着过河。The duckboards are down for students to cross the muddy green.板道已铺好,以便让学生们通过泥泞的草地。They stood on the kerb waiting to cross the road.他们站在路缘上等着过马路。They tried to cross a beagle with a Saint Bernard.他们试图把小猎兔犬与瑞士救护犬杂交。It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways.不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。It was impossible for a private citizen to cross the frontier without special authorization.平民不经特准是不能越过边境的。You feel that you are dicing with death every time you try to cross that road.每次过那条马路都会让人觉得有生命危险。They were arrested trying to cross the border.他们在试图穿越边境时被逮捕了。Don't try to cross the street until it's clear of traffic. 等没车了,再过马路。We are puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.我们在苦思越过这座山的最佳路径。Children must be taught to cross the road safely.必须教会孩子安全过马路。He was frustrated in an attempt to cross the river.他试图渡河,但没能成功。The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.到了跨越形式与真理的巨大鸿沟的时候了。To get to the other side of the city, you will have to cross many barricades.你要到达城市的另一边,就必须通过许多路障。The great difficulty now is how to cross the river.眼下的大难题是如何过河。It wasn't difficult then to cross the frontier.当时过境并不难。I was the nineteenth person to cross the finish line.我第十九个冲过终点线。Remember to cross your t's when you're writing.写字时别忘了在t 字母上画横线Wait until there is no traffic and it's safe to cross.等到没有车辆时再过马路才安全。I set off for New York to cross the Ts and dot the Is with Westinghouse.我动身去了纽约,和西屋公司商讨细节。He plans to cross the Himalayas on foot.他计划徒步翻越喜马拉雅山脉。The sea is too rough to cross today.今天风浪太大,无法渡海。Thousands of Haitians tried to cross the sea to Florida.数千名海地人试图横渡大海前往佛罗里达。He became the first person to cross the desert on foot.他成了第一个徒步穿越这片沙漠的人。It's a span of a few hundred miles to cross the state.跨越这个州要走几百英里。We wandered along the river bank, looking for a place to cross.我们沿着河堤转,寻找过河的地方。Their paths were to cross several times in the years ahead.在之后的几年中他们好几次不期而遇。I had to cross a number of coaches to reach the dining car.我得穿过好几节车厢才到餐车。The authorities had agreed to waive normal requirements for permits to cross the border.当局已经同意免除跨境所需办理的常规手续。How are we going to cross the river?我们打算怎么过河?The river is difficult to cross during periods of high water.涨水的时候这条河很难过去。Wait to cross until the street is clear of cars.等到街上没有汽车时再穿过去。Refugees have been warned not to attempt to cross the border.难民已受到警告,不可试图穿越边境。The main road is busy, so be careful when you try to cross it.主路上交通繁忙,横过时要小心。




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