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词汇 to bring up
例句 Living alone and trying to bring up a small daughter is no easy task.独自生活还要抚养一个小女儿并非易事。She suddenly walked out on her husband, leaving him to bring up the children.她突然离丈夫而去,留下他独自抚养孩子。He picked the wrong time to bring up his salary.他不合时宜地提起他的薪水问题。Right-click on the folder to bring up the menu of options.在文件夹上点击鼠标右键以弹出菜单选项。Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to bring up children.对什么是养育孩子的最佳方式,每个人都有自己的看法。He had old-fashioned ideas on how to bring up children.他在如何养育孩子方面还是旧观念。Trying to bring up a young son is no easy task.要养大年幼的儿子不是件容易的事。It's impossible to bring up a family on such a low salary.靠如此低的薪水养活一家人是不可能的。Many women still take career breaks to bring up children.仍然有许多女性为了抚养孩子而离职。That's a sore subject to bring up.那是一个提起就令人困扰的话题。I didn't want to bring up the matter to him last night.昨晚我不想向他提及这件事。In the movie, he plays a concerned and sensitive father trying to bring up two teenage children on his own.在影片中,他扮演了一个关怀备至、体贴入微的父亲,努力独自抚养两个十几岁的孩子。A picked body of men were sent to bring up the rear of the retreating troops.一队经挑选的精兵被派去为撤退的部队垫后。The way we choose to bring up children is vitally important.抚养子女选用何种方式是极其重要的。The couple contrived to bring up their children on a small income.这对夫妻设法以菲薄的收入把孩子扶养成人。My mother's quite broad-minded. She understands my decision to bring up my baby on my own.我母亲心胸开阔,她理解我自己带孩子的决定。Amy's husband had run off and left her with two children to bring up.埃米的丈夫遗弃了她,把两个孩子留给她抚养。It is quite normal for your baby to bring up some milk after feeding.宝宝喂奶后要呕出一些,这是很正常的。My mother has fixed ideas about how to bring up children.我母亲对怎样养育孩子的观点很固执。It's hard for the baby to bring up wind.婴儿不容易打出嗝来。Your grandmother is scarcely of an age to bring up a child.你祖母已到了不适于抚养孩子的年龄。I don't need you to tell me how to bring up my son.我不需要你来教我怎样教育儿子。I'm very much against the idea that it is the woman's job to bring up the child.对于抚养孩子是女人的活儿这一想法,我坚决反对。The supervisor is quite easy to approach, so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have.这位主管很随和,所以有问题尽管问。Carole was left to bring up the rear.卡萝尔落在最后面。The supervisor is quite approachable, so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have.这个主管人相当和善,所以有问题尽管问。We were waiting for a suitable moment to bring up the subject of his unpaid bills.我们正等待适当时机,好将他的未付账单一事提出来。We need to bring up more troops.我们需要调更多的部队来前线。It's a struggle to bring up a family on a low income.用微薄的收入抚养孩子很艰难。He's got some funny ideas about how to bring up children.他在抚养孩子方面有些奇思妙想。I had the terrible feeling of being left behind to bring up the baby while he had fun.我感觉糟糕透顶,我被留下抚养孩子,而他却在寻欢作乐。




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