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词汇 俘虏
例句 The captive's arms were pinioned to his sides.俘虏的双臂被绑在身体的两侧。He treated the prisoners with humanity.他人道地对待俘虏The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives.相同的制度还应用于赎回或交换俘虏Military police took Kilby prisoner and locked him in a barn.宪兵俘虏了基尔比,把他关在谷仓里。They took him prisoner. = He was taken prisoner. 他们俘虏了他。Those captives were physically abused.那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。Rebels ambushed the train and took several prisoners.叛乱者伏击了火车,俘虏了一些人。I was determined not to become just another one of his conquests.我打定主意决不成为他的又一个性俘虏At the end of the film the prisoners are rescued, and the pirates come to a sticky end.影片的结局是俘虏获救了,海盗则丧了命。Military bases were protected by captured enemy soldiers who were housed there as a human shield.军事基地受到由关在那里的敌军俘虏兵组成的人盾的保护。They're being held hostage/captive/prisoner.他们现在成了人质/俘虏/囚犯。He ruled out any exchange of prisoners with the militants.他决不考虑与激进分子交换俘虏His men made a sortie to Guazatan and took a prisoner.他的士兵袭击了瓜扎坦,擒获了一名俘虏He fought in the war and was taken prisoner by the Americans.他参了战,后被美国人俘虏They set their captives free.他们把俘虏释放了。The captives were burned alive. 俘虏们被活活烧死了。They didn't take as many prisoners as they might have.他们本来能抓获更多的俘虏,然而他们却没有做到。They asked for an exchange of prisoners.他们要求交换俘虏We might get taken prisoner by the enemy.我们有可能被敌人俘虏Love ruled supreme in her heart.她的心已被爱所俘虏Ellison was taken prisoner by the Germans during the retreat to Dunkirk.埃利森在撤退至敦刻尔克时被德军俘虏了。He waited, watching his prisoner like a hawk.他等待着,像鹰一般注视着他的俘虏The families were held/kept prisoner for four days.这家人当了四天俘虏They showed no mercy to their captives.他们对俘虏毫无怜悯之心。She was one of his many conquests.她是他众多的爱情俘虏之一。We might be taken prisoner by the enemy.我们可能被敌人俘虏Pushkin was a womaniser whose conquests included everyone from prostitutes to princesses.普希金是个情场老手,各种各样的女性,从妓女到公主,都成了他的俘虏The rebels promised to release their captives unharmed if the government did as they said.叛乱分子答应,要是政府满足他们的要求,他们会不伤害俘虏并放了他们。He became a vassal to his fears.他完全成了自己忧惧的俘虏Enemy forces took/held them captive. 敌军将他们俘虏了。He escaped from his captors two days later.两天后他从俘虏他的那些人手中逃脱了。To avoid capture, he swallowed a cyanide capsule.为了不当俘虏,他吞下了一粒氰化物胶囊。The captives were put on parade for television.俘虏们在电视上示众。The soldier played dead to escape capture by the enemy.那个士兵躺下装死,以免被敌人俘虏The captive was bound and gagged. 那个俘虏被绑了起来,而且嘴也被堵住了。Neither side took prisoners or showed any mercy.双方都没有抓俘虏,也没有表现出丝毫的心慈手软。They treated the prisoners with humanity.他们人道地对待俘虏These captives will be taken to the rear areas.这些俘虏将被押到后方。




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