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例句 She succeeded in retaining her lead in the second half of the race.在比赛的后半程中,她成功地保住了领先地位。Retention of these territories became a matter of national pride.保住这些领土成了事关民族尊严的事情。The doctors managed to save the soldier's wounded leg. 医生们设法保住了士兵的伤腿。He fought tooth and nail to keep his job.他竭力保住自己的工作。His main concern is to ensure his own political survival.他主要关心的还是要保住自己的政治前程。Despite all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.尽管我们竭力想保住这所学校,当局还是决定把它关闭。We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared.我们已经失去了一切,不过谢天谢地,总算是保住了性命。You've got to have a thick skin to survive in this job.你得脸皮厚才能保住这份工作。The library has been reprieved and will remain open for at least another year.这座图书馆暂时保住了,至少还会再开一年。A compromise must be found which will allow both sides in the dispute to save face.必须找到一种折中的办法,让有分歧的双方都可以保住面子。Jim has not held down a job for more than a year.没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。He has successfully retained his position as national president of the society.他成功地保住了自己作为该协会全国主席的职位。The surgeons battled to save her sight.外科医生奋力保住她的视力。In his fifth season at the club, he is no more able to hold down a regular place than he was when he joined.在他为俱乐部效力的第五个赛季里,他仍和刚加入时一样无法保住主力位置。I was able to hang in and stay in the championship.我坚持下来,保住了冠军。That war preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves.那场战争保住了联邦政府,并解放了奴隶。Coal workers are determined to put up a fight to save their jobs.煤炭工人为了保住他们的工作,决心进行斗争。How about his retention of the world heavyweight championship?保住重量级世界冠军称号的实力如何?They coughed up the lead in the second half.他们在下半场未能保住领先优势。The team was struggling to retain possession of the ball.该队拼命想保住对球的控制。The Conservative party retained a plurality of the votes.保守党保住了选票的多数优势。His daring rescue saved the lives of the youngsters.他的大胆营救保住了那些年轻人的性命。He made a desperate bid/attempt to save his job.他为保住他的工作孤注一掷。Anne had difficulty holding down a job for any period of time.安妮无法把一份工作保住一段时间。This season I expect us to retain the championship and win the European Cup.这个赛季我期待我们能够保住冠军头衔,赢得欧洲杯。He swung the car to the left and that swerve saved Malone's life.他猛地将车头转向左边,这才保住了马隆的性命。He's never held down a job for longer than a few weeks.他从未能把一份工作保住几周以上。Victory today is vital in an effort to keep his hopes alive of winning the championship.今天的胜利对于保住他赢得锦标赛的希望来说至关重要。He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.他是个遇难而退的人,照他的性格,不可能长期保住冠军的称号。Most government employees had become parasites, expecting to retain their positions through friendship or political favor.大多数政府雇员成了寄生虫,都指望通过朋友关系或政治上的好处来保住自己的职位。She was determined to stay at the top of the heap now she had finally got there.既然终于到了最高层,她决心要保住这个位置。His boss told him that he'd better get with the program if he wants to keep his job.老板告诉他,要想保住饭碗,最好让怎么干就怎么干。We survived last year's bloodletting. 我们在去年的裁员中保住了自己的饭碗。The hunter killed the wolf and the child's life was assured.猎人打死了狼,孩子的性命保住了。We were fighting to protect our jobs.我们正力争保住我们的工作。Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.简虽然身有残疾,但仍能保住一份全职工作。He'll have to watch his step if he wants to keep that job of his!他要是想保住自己那份工作,就得小心行事!They are trying to secure immigrant status for their families.他们正在争取保住家庭的移民身份。He will have to make major adjustments to his thinking if he is to survive in office.要想保住这份工作,他就必须在观念上作出重大的转变。We need a win to keep us in the frame for the title.保住夺冠希望,我们需要赢一场比赛。




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