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词汇 tiny
例句 Donkeys outnumber cars in this landscape of tiny stonewalled fields.在这片以石墙隔出巴掌大的农田的乡村,驴子比汽车还多。It's ridiculous - we have a tiny disagreement and you blow the whole thing out of proportion!太可笑了——我们只是有点小分歧,而你却把整件事闹得这么大!We hated our uncle. He was fat and ugly, with tiny eyes and a long, pointed nose .我们讨厌叔叔,他又胖又丑,眼睛很小,鼻子又长又尖。Prison inmates are kept in tiny cells, with the bare minimum of furniture.犯人们被关在狭小的囚室里,只有再简单不过的几件家具。I saw a tiny ray of recognition in his eyes.我从他眼中看到一丝赞赏之意。Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.她虽然个头小,嗓音却非常洪亮。She wore a tiny golden cross.她戴了个小小的金十字架。The coast is dotted with tiny creeks.海岸上点缀着星罗棋布的小水湾。The centre of the city is full of tiny intersecting alleyways.市中心到处是纵横交错的小巷道。He felt a tiny prick in his arm.他感到手臂上轻微的刺痛。The crop represents a tiny fraction of U.S. production.农作物仅占美国出产物极小的一部分。Swimsuits came in tiny two-piece bikinis and one-piece designs.泳衣有上下两小件的比基尼式和连体式两种。Tired of being a tiny cog in a vast machine, he handed in his resignation.他厌倦了当大机器上不起眼的小螺丝,于是提交了辞呈。Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.她的衣物主要是宽大的开司米毛衣和小巧的意大利凉鞋。She's tiny, but she belts out these old blues songs like you wouldn't believe.她长得非常矮小,但是她放声高唱起这些老的蓝调歌曲的样子,你是难以相信的。A tiny baby soon learns to distinguish its mother's face from other adults’ faces.幼婴很快就学会把母亲的脸与其他大人的脸区分开来。The child left her tiny footprints in the snow.这孩子把她的小脚印留在了雪地上。Her tiny baby was fighting for its life.她的小宝宝正在与死亡抗争。Her dress showed off her tiny waist.连衣裙让她的腰显得越发纤细。This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence.就这几个人,没有理由出动这么多警察。There was a double bed at one end of the room; at the other, a tiny kitchen and dinner table.在房间的一端有张双人床,另一端有个小厨房和一张餐桌。She built a tiny business into a worldwide empire.她把一个小公司建成了一个全球性的大企业。The couple were hitched in the tiny Swiss town of Begnins.这对夫妻在瑞士小镇伯尼安结了婚。There were lots of tiny drawers filled with screws and nails.有许多装满螺丝和钉子的小抽屉。Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。A tiny spark of rebellion flared within her.一星反叛的小火花在她心中闪了一下。Luke put out his hand and touched the tiny fingers of his baby daughter.卢克伸出手碰碰他出生不久的女儿细小的手指。Look at his little tiny fingers. Aren't they cute?看他那小小的手指。可爱吧?The place was tiny – a tiny bedroom, kitchenette and bathroom.这个地方很小,卧室、厨房和卫生间都是小小的。The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.火星大气层只含有微量的水。East and West sparred over tiny Pacific isles.东西方为太平洋上的一些小岛争吵。Dust mites are tiny creatures, invisible to the naked eye.尘螨是极小的生物,凭肉眼是看不见的。She lives way out in the boondocks in some tiny town.她住在非常偏远的一个小镇子里。His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.他到伦敦小画廊兜售自己的画作,结果碰了一鼻子灰。Crowds of tourists descended on the tiny church.一群群的游客突然来造访这座小教堂。It's just a tiny little electric circuit, but it can distort the signal.这只是一个很小的电路,却能引起信号畸变。The baby held onto my thumb with her tiny fingers.宝宝用她细小的手指紧紧抓住我的大拇指。He was a tiny bit frightened of them.他有点儿怕他们。His face was covered by a thick black beard with tiny flecks of gray in it.他点点黑斑的脸上全是浓密的黑胡须。We felt cramped in the tiny room.在那小房间里我们感到挤得难受。




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