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词汇 throw
例句 The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.传送带会发出刺耳的噪音并释放出乌黑的橡胶颗粒。We're planning to throw a party for you-know-who.我们正计划给那个人搞一次聚会。Unless you plead guilty, the prosecutors will throw the book at you.除非认罪,否则检察官会对你从严处罚。One day depression descended upon him, and wherever he went after that he could never throw it off.有一天,他突然开始消沉起来,从那以后,无论他走到哪儿也摆脱不了这种情绪。I'll throw you the keys. Ready? Catch!我要把钥匙扔给你。准备好了吗?接着!I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups.我不会大喊大叫或摔茶杯。He does not have money to throw about.他没有钱可挥霍。He is too young to throw off the more experienced competitors.他太年轻,敌不过经验丰富的对手。You can throw out all the stuff in that cupboard, it's garbage.那个橱柜里的东西都可以扔掉,全是垃圾。If he is convicted, I hope they throw the book at him.如果他确实有罪,我希望从严惩处他。The sailors just throw their rubbish over the side.水手们直接把垃圾从船舷上扔了出去。I'm sinking in the mud of slander and nobody will throw me a rope.我快要在诽谤的泥淖中陷落,而无人肯援手救我。He gambled away his family estate on a single throw of the dice.他一把就输掉了家族地产。It's wasteful the way you throw so much food away!你把那么多食物扔掉太浪费了!We could get a coffee in there but they charge three quid a throw.我们可以在那里买到咖啡,不过他们每份要卖三英镑。The way to solve the education crisis is not necessarily to throw money at it.解决教育危机不一定要花大钱。We can throw that idea out the window.我们可以放弃那个想法了。He made an overarm throw.他做了一个肩上投球。These flowers look dead - shall I throw them away?这些花看样子已经枯萎了—我把它们扔掉好吗?I wouldn't put it past them to try a last throw.我认为他们很可能最后会孤注一掷。They tend to throw money at problems without trying to work out the best solution.他们往往遇到困难就大把花钱,而不是尽力去找出最好的解决办法。I can't throw off this feeling of sadness.我无法摆脱这种悲伤的情绪。NATO was accused of trying to throw a cordon sanitaire around Russia.有指责称北约试图封锁俄罗斯。She felt a longing to throw herself into his arms.她渴望扑到他怀里去。Many women throw all of their energies into a career.许多妇女为事业倾注全部精力。Let's throw a party to celebrate.咱们开个派对庆祝一下。I'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance.我不是建议你扔掉化妆品,或者不修边幅。They throw sticks and dirt clods up into the air.他们把木棍和土块扔向空中。So much junk mail ends up in my mailbox nowadays; I just throw it all away!如今我信箱里垃圾邮件太多了,我就统统扔掉!You have to throw a six to start.你必须掷一个六点才能开始。The pitcher almost picked her off with a quick throw to first base.这名投手抛向第一垒的一记传球差点让她被杀出局。We decided to split up to throw them off the scent.我们决定分开来走,把他们甩掉。You have to throw the wooden rings so that they land around the bottles.你必须扔出木环,套住瓶子。He had to throw up his whole plan.他只得放弃整个计划。She'd just as soon throw your plate in your face as serve you.她宁可把盘子砸到你脸上也不愿伺候你。He thought it was time that he throw down the gage to his opponent.他认为向对手挑战的时候到了。They used to throw rocks at neighborhood dogs.他们以前经常朝邻居家的狗扔石子。It had snowed during the night, and the kids rushed outside to throw snowballs and make snow angels.晚上下了雪,孩子们纷纷跑出去打雪仗、做雪天使。Please throw your waste paper in here.请把废纸扔进这里。This meat is rather high - I'm going to throw it out.这块肉已经变质了——我去扔掉。




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