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词汇 resting
例句 He looked up and down the corridor, meaty hands resting on his thighs.他两只胖乎乎的手搁在大腿上,上下打量着这个走廊。The committee's chairman accused NASA of resting on its laurels after making it to the moon.委员会主席指责美国航空航天局成功登月后就变得不思进取。Their bikes were resting against the wall.他们的自行车靠在墙上。Her chin was resting on his shoulder.她的下巴靠在他的肩头。He had fallen asleep, his head resting in a puddle of beer.他睡着了,脑袋耷拉在一摊啤酒中。We found a good resting place by the side of the trail.我们在这条小径的边上找到了一个理想休息处。The animals assumed their normal resting position.这些动物开始以他们正常的姿势休息。Don't bother me; I'm resting and digesting.别来烦我!我正在休息消食。The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.这座山被认为是传说中卢德王的长眠之处。The king lies now in his final resting place.如今国王已长眠在坟墓中。The committee's chairman accused NASA of resting on its laurels after making it to the moon.委员会主席指责美国国家航空航天局成功登月之后便志得意满,不思进取。A few hours after the operation, the patient was resting easily.手术后几小时,病人一直在安适地休息着。She's resting in her room.她正在她屋里休息。The workers were resting in the shade.工人们在阴凉处休息。He had been resting his head in his hands, deep in thought.他双手撑着头,陷入了沉思。He picked up his briefcase, resting it on the desk.他提起手提箱,放到桌子上。Her thin hands were resting atop the quilted bed cover.她瘦削的双手搭在夹棉床罩上。He can come back to work when he's feeling better. Meantime, he should be resting as much as possible.他感觉好一些时就可以回来工作。在此期间,他应该尽量多休息。He was resting from the exertions of the previous night.他上一天晚上辛苦了,正在睡觉。Her arms were resting on the table.她双臂撑在桌子上。Although she won the championship, she isn't resting on her laurels. She is training hard to become even better next year.虽然得了冠军,但她不满足于既得荣誉。她正在为明年取得更好的成绩而刻苦训练。A number of ships were resting in their cradles in the shipyard.船坞的船架上放置了一些船。His hand was resting lazily against the steering wheel.他的手懒散地搭在方向盘上。His head was resting on her shoulder.他的头靠在她的肩上。This is her final/last resting place.这是她的长眠之地。The monument was moved to a new resting place.纪念碑被安放到了新的地点。He's been resting today, so hopefully he'll be feeling better tomorrow.他今天在休息,所以希望明天他感觉好一些。Look at the clouds resting upon the mountain top.瞧那些缭绕在山顶的云朵。She lay there in the narrow bed, her chin resting on the fold of the sheet.她在那张小床上躺着,下巴搭在床单的褶上。Her baby was resting against her ample bosom.她的宝宝靠着她丰满的胸部。He can come back to work when he's feeling better, but meanwhile he should be resting as much as possible.他感觉好一些时就可以回来工作,但在此期间他应该尽量多休息。John was now asleep, with his head resting on my shoulder.约翰现在头枕着我的肩膀睡着了。Your body burns up more oxygen when you are active than when you are resting.身体在运动时比在静止时消耗更多氧气。She leaned forward, hands resting wide apart on the bar.她向前倾着身子,两手叉开着搁在横杆上。The area was an important resting place for many types of migrant birds.这个地区是多种候鸟的重要栖息地。She sat resting her chin on her hands.她双手托着下巴颏坐在那里。He is resting and his face is up.他正仰着脸在休息。I'm sorry, but Miss Lee is resting and can't be disturbed.抱歉,李小姐正在休息,不能打扰。Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.她的头舒服地靠在他胸前。She was resting her head against the side of the chair.她把头倚在椅子的一侧。




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