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词汇 thoroughly
例句 Always rinse your hair thoroughly.要总是仔细冲洗头发。They had not studied the language very thoroughly.他们没有很仔细地研究这一语言。Add the eggs and mix thoroughly.加入蛋并充分搅拌。Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal.伊恩·特里默贪污受贿,是个彻头彻尾的贪官。Psychology tests found me to be thoroughly rounded in skills and attitudes.心理测试表明我能力全面,心态正常。She thoroughly despised him for his weakness.她因为他的软弱而十分鄙视他。After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes thoroughly.衣服在肥皂水里洗过之后,要彻底冲干净。A teacher must thoroughly understand his or her subject.老师必须全面掌握自己学科的知识。The gang had planned their escape thoroughly.这帮匪徒已详细制定了逃跑计划。Always dry clothes thoroughly before you wear them again.一定要等衣服彻底干了再穿。Cleanse the skin gently but thoroughly to create an antiseptic environment.轻柔而彻底地清洗皮肤,营造出一个无菌环境。I found him thoroughly unpleasant, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢,没有任何可取之处。It is hard to imagine anyone more thoroughly deserving of his success.很难想象除他之外还有人更应获得成功。The clay should be kneaded thoroughly to remove any bubbles of air.黏土应该彻底揉捏,以去除气泡。It is a thoroughly organised and almost unchangeable system of laws and customs.这是一个由法律和习俗组成的体制,组织严密,几乎无法改变。This may not be a valid conclusion - we haven't tested it thoroughly yet.这个结论可能还缺乏根据,我们尚未对其进行过全面的检验。The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting.在会上完全公开了整个问题。Once ashore, the vessel was thoroughly inspected.船只刚一靠岸就接受了彻底检查。This is a thoroughly good book from start to finish.这本书从头到尾都写得很好。Wash everything thoroughly to avoid contamination with bacteria.把所有东西彻底洗净,以避免细菌污染。This programme is thoroughly motivated.这计划极有吸引力。Get the car thoroughly checked by a professional. It may cost a bit of money but it's worth it, believe me.把汽车交给专业人员彻底检查,虽然要花点钱,但是值得,相信我没错。They vetted her thoroughly before offering her the job.录用她之前,他们对她进行了仔细的审查。I want time to study this contract thoroughly before signing it.签字之前,我需要时间把这份合同彻底研究一下。The police have questioned him thoroughly, and he'll be on his guard.警方已经对他进行了彻底盘问,因此他会存有戒心。You should always read the instructions on medicines thoroughly.药品上的说明你都应该全部阅读一遍。Everyone was thoroughly entertained.每个人都给逗乐了。We were taught to chew our food thoroughly before swallowing.我们被教导吃东西要完全嚼烂后再咽下去。The play is all of a piece, and thoroughly at ease within its own limitations.全剧浑然一体,虽有本身的种种局限但还是舒展自如。The candidates were very thoroughly vetted.那些候选人受到了非常彻底的审查。Meat which has been cooked thoroughly shows no traces of pinkness.彻底煮熟的肉不会带有血色。Disinfect the area thoroughly.把这个区域彻底消毒。Jean was thoroughly cheesed off by the whole affair.琼对整件事情彻底绝望了。Chew your food up thoroughly before you swallow it.食物完全嚼烂后再咽。It was a thoroughly impracticable plan.那是个根本无法实行的计划。My boss is making my life thoroughly/utterly miserable with her constant demands and criticism.我的老板不断地对我提出要求和批评,让我的日子十分难过。I was thoroughly disgusted with the brutality of the system.这个制度十分残酷,让我反感极了。Wash your hands thoroughly with hot soapy water before handling any food.在拿吃的之前,用热肥皂水把手好好地洗干净。You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.你应当感到非常惭愧才是。He sat all alone in his room, thoroughly miserable.他独自坐在自己的房间里,可怜极了。




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