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词汇 the very
例句 Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue.美德正是产生于正派有益的交谊和交流。Computer viruses are at the very least annoying and often actually destructive.计算机病毒少说也很烦人,实际上还经常具有破坏性。We live in the very heart of the city.我们住在市中心。Television gets most of its stories from the very tabloid newspapers it is so fond of attacking.电视上的大部分故事正是取材于它热衷于抨击的通俗小报。Some of the very technical words will need a gloss.一些技术性很强的词需要注解。Over the long haul, shares have been the very best investment.长期以来,股票一直是最最好的投资。The baby is the very picture of health.这婴儿非常健康。His paintings embody the very essence of the post-war years.他的画体现了战后的基本情况。It is the very antithesis of justice, which involves the individualized consideration of each case.如果对每个案子都区分对待,这就完全走到了公正的对立面。The new offices have reduced the very high rates of staff turnover.新设立的这些办事处已经将很高的员工流失率降下来了。Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least.通常总共只有十一二个会员。现在将至少有十七个。She is the very portrait of her mother.她和她母亲长得一模一样。Londoners are blessed with some of the very best Thai restaurants in the country.伦敦人有福气,他们有英国最好的一些泰国餐馆。Work will begin in October at the very earliest.最早在十月开始工作。Nausea-inducing drugs condition the alcoholic to feel sick at the very odour of liquor.诱导恶心的药物使酗酒者形成一闻到酒味就感到恶心的条件反射。The media's coverage of the election has been skewed from the very beginning.媒体对此次大选的报道从一开始就有偏颇。The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes.主要作物是小麦,甚至在陡坡上都种它。The new film is a sequel to the very successful comedy that came out five years ago.这部新影片是五年前上映的那部非常成功的喜剧的续集。At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence.最起码,政府必须向害怕遭受家庭暴力的母亲们提供某些保护。They walked off with a million pounds' worth of jewellery under the very noses of the security guards.他们携带着价值百万英镑的珠宝,就从保安人员眼皮底下溜走了。I'm as ambitious as the next man. I'd like to manage at the very highest level.我和别人一样雄心勃勃,想进入最高管理层。I am unfriendly to the whole idea of psychedelia and the very notion of a chemical paradise seems absurd.我对同迷幻世界有关的一切都反感,这种用化学药物来创造天堂的想法本身就显得荒诞不经。Everyone had some tale to tell about the very hot summer.关于这个极为炎热的苦夏,人人都有一番非同寻常的经历可陈述。They reduce the very process of consultation to a charade.他们把磋商的过程简化成了走过场。His stunning victory marked him out as the very best horse of his era.它那场精彩的胜利让它成为了它那个时代最优秀的马匹。Nick was sitting at the very back of the bus.尼克坐在公共汽车的最后排。The thunder seemed to shake the very foundations of the building.雷鸣似乎把房子的地基都撼动了。It is an outrage against the very values of humanity.这是对人类根本价值观的一种蔑视。You've made the very same mistake again!你又犯了个与以前完全相同的错误。Garcia was gaining on her opponent throughout the race, but only overtook her at the very end.加西亚在整个赛跑过程中一点点逼近对手,但直到最后一刻才超过了她。She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。I knew he was trouble right from the very start.一开始我就知道他是个惹是生非的人。By pure accident he had come across the very man who could solve the mystery.他碰巧遇到了那个能够解开这一谜团的人。When his wife left him, Matt plumbed the very depths of despair.妻子离他而去,马特陷入了绝望的深渊。Venice is haemorrhaging the very resource which could save it: its own people.威尼斯正不断丧失其立足之本,那就是它的人民。The relationship seemed full of promise from the very start.他们的恋情似乎从一开始就预示着会修成正果。He ached at the very thought of what might happen to his wife.一想到他妻子可能出事,他感到痛苦不安。This research cuts to the very core of who we are as human beings.这项研究切中人之为人这一问题的要害。Living so far north, they're used to the very cold winters.他们住得这样偏北,已经习惯严寒的冬天了。Honesty is the very soul of any good relationship.以诚相待是良好关系的精髓。




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