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词汇 声响
例句 There was a sickening sound as his head made contact with the concrete.他的头撞到水泥地上时,发出一声令人毛骨悚然的声响She'd been working in her room till a noise had disturbed her.她一直在房间里工作,直到有声响打扰了她。The sudden noise broke my concentration. 突然的声响分散了我的注意力。He roared up the drive with a screech of tyres.他的车轰鸣着驶上私人车道,轮胎发出刺耳的声响There are noises in the deeps of the earth.地球内部有各种声响She heard a sudden noise behind her and swung around to see who was there.听到身后突然一声响,她马上转身去看谁在那儿。The loud noise made me jump out of my skin.巨大的声响吓了我一大跳。The shutters thumped the wall in the wind.风吹著百叶窗撞在墙上发出砰砰声响I'm a light sleeper - the slightest noise wakes me.我睡觉很轻——最轻微的声响也会吵醒我。Courtship is somewhat vocal with a lot of displaying by the male.雄性动物在求偶时会尽量展示自己,并发出一些声响I've now become sensitized to strange sounds in the night, and I often wake up.我现在对夜里异常的声响很敏感,常常醒来。We could hear the clatter of machinery when we were near the factory.在工厂的附近,我们便能够听到机器的声响了。There was a terrible noise when the two buses hit each other.两辆公共汽车相撞时发出了可怕的声响He was trying to say something and I leaned down close to try and hear what it was but it just turned into a death rattle.他想要说些什么,我俯下身贴近他,努力想听清他说的话,但只听到他喉头发出的声响Far off, there was the insect sound of the fast-moving trucks.远处,传来车辆奔驰所发出的虫鸣般的声响The car's tires bit loudly on the rutted snow in the street.汽车轮子碾入街道上布满车辙的雪里,发出很大的声响We didn't hear a peep coming from his office.我们没有听到他办公室有任何声响The windscreen wipers thudded back and forth.雨刷摆来摆去,发出沉闷的声响People looked to see where the noise was coming from.人们察看那个声响是从哪里来的。There were strange noises coming from the room down the hall.门厅那边的房间传出奇怪的声响There was a strange sound from downstairs.楼下传来一声奇怪的声响She lay in bed for a time, listening to the silence.她在床上躺了一会儿,倾听寂静中的声响She scraped her chair backward.她向后挪动椅子,发出刺耳的声响We heard a faint noise.我们听见了一阵隐约的声响Strange noises proceeded from the house.那所房子里传出奇怪的声响The thief slipped out of the apartment without a sound.窃贼毫无声响地溜出了公寓。He made enough noise to wake the whole house.他弄出的声响把全家人都吵醒了。Stop making so much noise or else the neighbours will start complaining.别发出这么大的声响,否则邻居会投诉的。Try not to make too much noise – the walls aren't very thick.尽量别发出大的声响,墙体不太厚。Not a sound obtruded upon his meditation.没有一点声响打扰他的默想。It was not even a sound, just a breath.那都算不上什么声响,只是一种轻微的声音。The sudden noise made him release his hold on her arm.这突然的声响使他放开了抓着她胳膊的手。She managed to get into the house without making a sound.她设法不弄出一点声响就进了这幢房子。The radio started to crackle.收音机开始发出噼里啪啦的声响The only sound was the continuous relay of bird song.唯一的声响是一阵接一阵持续不断的鸟语。It was very quiet in there: you could barely hear a sound.那里面很安静,几乎听不到任何声响All of a sudden there was a terrific bang and a flash of smoke.突然传来惊天动地一声响,还冒出一股烟。The machine is almost noiseless.这台机器几乎没有声响I heard a noise from the well and saw that the cat had dropped down.我听到井里一声响,看见猫已经掉下去了。Her biggest copper-bottomed saucepan made one hell of a noise as it clattered onto the tiles.她最大的铜底锅掉到瓷砖上发出了很大的声响




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